Tag Archive | "windows of opportunity"

Seasonality in Equity Rising on Stock Markets. Windows of Opportunity? Empirical Evidence from China, India, Brazil and South Africa

Empirical research has underlined high variability cases of equity-raising through the placing of shares in the primary market in the course of time, considering both new enterprises’ quotations, and increases for the already- quoted ones in regulated markets.
Different periods and markets at different development stages have been taken in exam, resulting in the discovery of high concentration of such operations in specific time-slots.
Focusing on China, India, Brazil and South Africa’s stock markets trends between 2003 and 2011, the research aims to verify if:
a) The collected capitals are concentrated in years of high share indexes’ levels;
b) The collected capitals increase in presence of high market average’s price-earnings.

  Seasonality in Equity Rising on Stock Markets. Windows of Opportunity? Empirical Evidence from China, India, Brazil and South Africa (750.5 KiB, 2,591 hits)

Posted in Economics, Volume III, Issue no. 4