Tag Archive | "prediction"

The Exercise of Prediction Process of Performance within Football Sports Management by Using Fuzzy Logic from the Perspective of Value Analysis on Tactical Compartments of Game of the Football Players

Keeping in mind the conditions of an ever more pronounced increase of the diversity and complexity of the economical field, regarding supplying service goods from entities as well as regarding the social or image aspect correlated with expectancies of stakeholders which gravitate around these, the professionalization of organization management has become a primordial condition in order to reach economical as well as social and ecological performances or regarding their image or their reputation. In this context whether we refer to classical economical organizations or sports, cultural or of another field, implementing within the aforementioned of a performing management structured on rigorous mathematics founded methodologies for solving, anticipating or forecasting different problems encountered in their existence, represents a growth of professionalization level of management and implicitly of organizational performances, regardless of their type. Thus the present article is set on supplying the theoretical and practical framework for exercising the forecasting process of performance within football sports management by the prism of prediction of a football team’s place in the ranking of a national championship, regardless of the country or division, with the help of a modern methodology founded on mathematics which has at its foundation the fuzzy logic. Particularly, the proposed fuzzy methodology will applied in a concrete and exemplifying way within a third league football club in Romania, with the name F.C. Nuova Mama Mia Bechicerecu Mic, of Timiş county, mentioning the existing possibility of its application within any other football or other collective sports club and why not even within economical entities, under the condition of a pertinent and realist appraisal of entry data in the suggested fuzzy algorithm.

  The Exercise of Prediction Process of Performance within Football Sports Management by Using Fuzzy Logic from the Perspective of Value Analysis on Tactical Compartments of Game of the Football Players (1.2 MiB, 2,105 hits)

Posted in Economics, Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 2

Potential of Artificial Neural Network Technology for Predicting Shelf Life of Processed Cheese

Radial basis (fewer neurons) artificial neural network (ANN) models were developed for predicting the shelf life of processed cheese stored at 7-8o C. Mean square error, root mean square error, coefficient of determination and nash – sutcliffo coefficient were applied in order to compare the prediction ability of the developed models. Soluble nitrogen, pH; standard plate count, yeast & mould count, and spore count were the input parameters, while sensory score was output parameter for the developed model. The developed model showed very good correlation between actual data and predicted data with high coefficient of determination and nash – sutcliffo coefficient besides low root mean square error, suggesting that the developed model is quite efficient in predicting the shelf life of processed cheese.

  Potential of artificial neural network technology for predicting shelf life of processed cheese (420.1 KiB, 2,216 hits)

Posted in Economics, Volume II, Issue no. 4