Posted on 15 December 2016. Tags: Knowledge Management (KM), leadership, Organizational Culture, Organizational Performance (OP)
Keeping in view the increasing demand of knowledge management, Researchers has recognized the need for structures for appraising the influence of knowledge management (KM) on organizational performance (OP). Despite of the wide performances of KM, at present there is no uniform structure for evaluating the OP. The basic intent of this study / research is to plan the appropriate methodologies to evaluate the impact of KM to enhance OP. At the end of this paper, the author proposes a theoretical model based on comprehensive and inclusive researches in the extent of KM and OP. Through a wide-ranging organization of KM practices, the probable model discovers the influence of each KM practice on enlightening the level of OP. The suggested model can play an important part in the management of the processes of KM execution in order to explore as it affects on OP.
Role of Knowledge Management in Achieving Organizational Performance: Proposed Framework through Literature Survey (345.5 KiB, 3,050 hits)
Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume VI, Issue no. 6
Posted on 15 August 2013. Tags: Brazil, Organizational Culture, Pará State, Strategic Planning, University
This article aims to show to what extent strategic planning performed by Brazilian universities from the State of Pará has contributed, whether positively or negatively, to achieve institutional objectives. The research can be classified as explanatory with features of a qualitative multi-case study because it seeks to explain casual relationship between strategic planning and institutional objectives. Managers at strategic and tactical levels were interviewed and the data collection was conducted through interviews, questionnaires and documentary research. Cross-analysis is used to explain cause-effect relationships, as well as to validate the conclusions drawn from the confrontation with the theoretical framework. It was found that University A has nearly performed all the strategic planning process steps; however, it does not positively contribute to the achievement of institutional objectives since some weaknesses were identified. On the other hand, despite having followed the same process with minor differences, University B has been able to achieve the institutional objectives.
Strategic Planning in Universities from Pará, Brazil. Contributions to the Achievement of Institutional Objectives (239.3 KiB, 2,480 hits)
Posted in Economics, Knowledge Management, Volume III, Issue no. 4
Posted on 15 August 2012. Tags: integrator, Intellectual Capital, management, Organizational Culture
The Intellectual Capital has promoted a new perspective of creating value by increasing the awareness of the intangible resources’ importance.
The current paper seeks to find out if Romanian companies are aware of the organisational culture’s influence on the company’s Intellectual Capital, so that its generation and development to be analysed and improved. Taking into account the particularities of the Romanian Business environment, the external economic and social context and Romanian cultural values, the integrator Organisational Culture was selected for testing the hypothesis of the conducted quantitative research, as it proves to be a powerful integrator, because it reacts upon individual values and intelligence, generating positive or negative outcomes.
The Organisational Culture – An Integrator For Developing Iintellectual Capital In Private Companies (232.8 KiB, 2,822 hits)
Posted in Economics, Volume II, Issue no. 4