Posted on 15 October 2014. Tags: circuits, flows, method, structures, tourism operators, tourism organization, tourism resources
Our approach is based on the obvious fact that global tourism has turned into a large-scale phenomenon that has been always creating new challenges with a major impact on the economic and social development. Thus, tourism has increasingly become a main economic sector with great potential, whose operation requires an efficient management.
As is well known, Romania has great natural tourism resources: seaside resort, mountain, spa etc. ensuring the performance of this type of activity throughout the year. To this, it is added cultural, entertainment tourism, etc. However, the overall finding shows that the huge potential we talked about is not sufficiently valued and many tourists prefer coastal resorts especially in neighboring countries: Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece, which raises questions on the competitive ability of the Romanian tourism.
Highlights of Tourism Organization and Methods (864.2 KiB, 1,757 hits)
Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 5
Posted on 15 August 2014. Tags: econometric regression, inflation, method, monetary phenomenon
Inflation, as a monetary phenomenon, is viewed by monetarists occurring as a result of supply of currency growing faster than the economic output. Research endeavours aimed at understanding the inflationary process among countries have witnessed major advancements in modelling short-term inflation dynamics”. The literature on the Phillips Curve, which is the “modern view of inflationary process”, continues to increase. This paper, therefore, provides an empirical analysis of testing the Phillips Curve in the case of the UK. An econometric regression of the traditional Phillips Curve, the New Keynesian Phillips Curve and the New Hybrid Keynesian Phillips Curve has been conducted, using the UK time-series data starting from 1956 to 2010. I have used the output gap, Hodrick-Prescot Filter and Generalized Methods of Moments measures to estimate the results. Some of the results are quite robust, whereas the NKPC and the hybrid NKPC do not fit the UK data.
The Phillips Curve – Uk Case (1.0 MiB, 4,062 hits)
Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 4