Tag Archive | "mathematics abilities"

Anxiety Toward Mathematics (An Empirical Study In College Students In Tuxtepec Oaxaca-México)

In this paper we examine anxiety toward mathematics in undergraduate students; therefore, we take a Muñoz and Mato anxiety scale (2007). This is a study carried out at several universities in Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. 302 questionnaires were applied face-to-face to undergraduate students of several profiles, among others: Business Management Engineering, Civil Engineering, Public Accounting, Electro-mechanic Engineering, Biochemistry, Informatics Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Management, Nursing, Systems Computational Engineering, Logistics, Communication, Humanities, Architectural Drawing, Industrial Mechanics, Clinical Lab, Programming, and Computer Science. Statistical procedure used was factorial analysis with an extracted principal component in order to measure data. Statistics test to prove: X2, Bartlett test of Sphericity, KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin), MSA (Measure sampling adequacy) and Significance level: p<0.05 therefore reject Ho if X2 calculated > X2 tabulated. The results obtained from the Bartlett test of Sphericity KMO (0.85), X2 calculated, 1214.505 with 10 df > X2tabulated, Sig. 0.000 p< 0.01, MSA (ANSIEVAL .817a; ANSITEM .822a; ANSICOM .870a; ANSINUM .892a; ANSISIMA .857a) allow us to know that the variables of Muñoz and Mato scale help us to understand the student’s anxiety toward mathematics.

  Anxiety Toward Mathematics (An Empirical Study In College Students Tuxtepec Oaxaca (An Empirical Study In College Students Tuxtepec Oaxaca(An Empirical Study In College Students Tuxtepec Oaxaca (An Em (745.5 KiB, 2,686 hits)

Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 4