Tag Archive | "information"

Deployment of Social Media in the Recruitment Process

The social media experience has opened up new trails of commitment and revolutionized the exchange of information. With more people employing with social media, it is worth scrutinizing its application to the recruitment process.
The purpose of this paper is to assess how employers can construct best use of social media as part of the recruitment process. It observes which platforms are best suited to hosting job search information, which can help achieve recruitment goals and how they are used by employers and applicants. Particularly, this paper examines recognized differences between social media websites and their impact on the recruitment development and how social media is used as part of the recruitment development that on which sites applicants apply and where they expect to be approached.

  Deployment of Social Media in the Recruitment Process (740.1 KiB, 3,150 hits)

Posted in Information Technology, Volume V, Issue no. 1

Mission of Women in The Scope of E-government in Iraq

E-government is a positive situation prevalent in most developed and developing countries in order to provide the best possible service to citizens and keep time and effort and reduce the waste of public money (Al-Dabbagh, 2011). Based on view of literature in some countries, problems faced in the establishment of e-government are located within the same geographic region surround Iraq as well as countries from other spot in the world.

In light of the lack of studies on women’s participation in information and communication technology in the world and especially in the Arab region and highlights so clearly in Iraq, which generates our idea of the rareness of women’s participation according to (Reade-Fong and Gorman, 2005) “while new information technology has given women the opportunity to share information and interact on a scale that was hard to imagine, in terms of political, economic and social participation, women’s worldwide presence in information technology remains low”.

  Mission of Women in The Scope of E-government in Iraq (185.9 KiB, 2,907 hits)

Posted in Information Technology, Volume IV, Issue no. 1

Understanding of Knowledge from Economist’s Perspective

Author’s approach to knowledge is based on the system of upgrading between knowledge as information, cognitive process, capital and a value. Knowledge cannot exist without it’s subject to whom the capacity of cognition is ascribed. Cognitive capacity is bounded due to imperfect information and the limits of the human mind and is becoming with individual’s inclusion into the society socially contingent. Primarily knowledge represents an investment into an individual who can only through social capital fully employ the human capital acquired for oneself. Through organizational routines and practices individual knowledge is also increasingly spilling over to other users of knowledge causing organization to become an important carrier of knowledge. Organizations are therefore devoting more attention to systematic knowledge management as a tool for boosting intellectual capital which represents understanding of knowledge as capital in its full meaning. Knowledge as capital cannot be fully understood without a more profound grasp of freedom through which knowledge becomes a value.

  Understanding of Knowledge from Economist’s Perspective (632.8 KiB, 2,850 hits)

Posted in Knowledge Management, Volume III, Issue no. 3

Albanian Accounting Trends in Accordance With EU Standards

A lot of work has gone to standardize the financial accounts of insurance and requirements of reimbursement ability. These projects are made by various international organizations. This will alter the way the insurance companies keep their accounts and how they design strategies. All this work in accounting is being done to increase transparency and provide the most realistic accounts of insurance. This is an indirect form to protect the policyholders. Even the regulation on repayment ability is a method of protecting policyholders. Accounting is the process of collecting and reporting financial information about entity or about a group of units. Accounting practices are developed over time and they reflect the traditional national accounts. With the development of EU and increased activity of insurance companies or other companies outside the national borders, finding of a common way to present financial data of companies is becoming more critical. In connection with commercial enterprises, accounting information users include managers, investors, potential investors, lenders, investment analysts, regulators and consumers. The accounting changes outlined here, will be mandatory for insurance companies listed on stock exchange. However it is expected that other companies will adopt these rules as they aim to clearly present the true situation of the company, critical for managing a company.

  Albanian Accounting Trends in Accordance With EU Standards (761.1 KiB, 2,892 hits)

Posted in Economics, Volume II, Issue no. 5

Digital Mapping as a business opportunity: Exploring Albania

Albanian economy is strictly connected to the fluctuations economies of its neighbor countries. The conducted research aim at creating a web based GIS platform working as a communication and information source to the prospective of managing a future potential category of investitors. The paper outlines the importance of digital mapping technology as a powerful tool which can lead into interesting solutions. We are introducing a set of models regarding specific sector categories explaining how integration of GIS technology can result a perfect liaison bridge between this group of businessman’s and their new terrain of investment, mitigating their hesitancy due to the lack of information and recognition. GIS technology serves as a mirror to evaluate options, opportunities and probabilities. Through GIS tools they can get involved into the economic situation in the country by tracking customers and competitive businesses. Geographic data must be considered as the basic framework of entire organizations.

  Digital Mapping as a business opportunity: Exploring Albania (806.4 KiB, 3,278 hits)

Posted in Knowledge Management, Volume II, Issue no. 4

Dimensions and Perspectives for Knowledge Management and Information

Knowledge Management (KM) comprises a range of strategies and practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and experiences. Such insights and experiences comprise knowledge, either embodied in individuals or embedded in organizational processes or practice. Though literature on information and knowledge management is vast, there is much confusion concerning the meaning of these terms. According to the literature review, technology-oriented information management includes data management, information technology management and strategic information technology management. The reading of the literature on knowledge management reveals that this term is either used synonymously for information management or for the management of work practices with the goal of improving the generation of new knowledge and the sharing of existing knowledge.

  Dimensions and perspectives for knowledge management and information (253.6 KiB, 9,458 hits)

Posted in Issue no. 1, Knowledge Management