Tag Archive | "income"

Binary Logistic Analysis: Empowerment of Rural Household Craft Industry in Bangli Regency, Bali, Indonesia

The aim of this study was to analyze the variables that may affect the application of the technology to produce handicrafts. The method used to determine the sample unit of craft businesses of rural households that will be interviewed are acidental sampling.
This study uses a quantitative analytical approach. Quantitative analysis using descriptive statistics and regression of binary logistic analysis. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the variables that significantly influence the application of technology in rural craftsmen in Bangli Regency is the income and education level.
The higher the income level, the higher the possibility of craftsmen applying modern technologies. Likewise, the education level, the higher the education level, assuming other variables constant, the possibility of applying the technology will be higher. While the age and type of business does not significantly influence the application of technology.

  Binary Logistic Analysis: Empowerment of Rural Household Craft Industry in Bangli Regency, Bali, Indonesia (1.5 MiB, 1,566 hits)

Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume VII, Issue no. 2

Opinions Regarding the Political Interest and the Economic Reality from the Perspective of the New Fiscal Regulations

The configuration of the politic interest from the fiscal perspective, its impact upon the economic reality and the performance of the feedback by means of the tax payer, remains a field of perpetual controversies. This is the reason for which we considered as being very useful to present, according to our own vision, certain details of the inter-relationship mechanism of the politic interest with the economic reality and the place and role of the tax payer within this process.

  Opinions Regarding the Political Interest and the Economic Reality from the Perspective of the New Fiscal Regulations (625.6 KiB, 1,847 hits)

Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume VI / 2016, Volume VI, Issue no. 1

Globalization, Economic Growth and Happiness: The Perspectives of an Economy Based on Non-Material Values

Why it is so important to maintain a continuous economic growth within a planet showing clear signs of its exhaustion is an important issue that is questioned more and more often in the last decade or so. The main motivation is to create the resources needed for people to live better and to be happy. A closer look of what the sources of happiness are and how they relate to economic growth reveals that the relation is not straight-forward. Further economic growth depends on many factors but it is assumed that globalization would create favourable conditions for all countries. Empirical evidence indicates that developing countries are in fact the ones that benefit less from globalization.

  Globalization, Economic Growth and Happiness: The Perspectives of an Economy Based on Non-Material Values (802.4 KiB, 2,737 hits)

Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Volume V, Issue no. 6