Posted on 15 December 2013. Tags: economic crisis, EU, India, insolvency, recovery rate
This article’s goal is to compare the impact of the global economic crisis on the corporate insolvency’s evolution in the EU and India in the period 2007- 2012. We want to highlight India’s position compared to the European Union in terms of time, cost of insolvency and recovery rate and to propose specific measures to improve its situation.
The Corporate Insolvency’s Evolution in the EU and India in the Period 2007-2012 (908.9 KiB, 3,302 hits)
Posted in Economics, Volume III, Issue no. 6
Posted on 15 June 2013. Tags: DEA, Eastern Europe, education, EU, OECD, public expenditure, technical efficiency
The article attempts to measure relative efficiency in utilizing public education expenditures in the new EU member states in comparison to the selected EU (plus Croatia) and OECD countries. As resources allocated to education are significantly limited, a special emphasis should be given to their efficient use regarding the institutional and legal constraints. By applying non-parametric methodology, i.e. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), a relative efficiency is defined as the deviation from the efficiency frontier which represents the maximum output/outcome attainable from each input level. An analysis of (output-oriented) efficiency measures shows that among the new EU member states Hungary, Estonia and Slovenia seem to be good benchmark countries in the field of primary, secondary and tertiary education, respectively. The empirical results also suggest that, in general, new EU member states show relatively high efficiency in tertiary education efficiency measures.
Relative Efficiency of Education Expenditures in Eastern Europe: A Non-parametric Approach (906.9 KiB, 3,773 hits)
Posted in Economics, Volume III, Issue no. 3
Posted on 15 June 2012. Tags: economic development, economic growth, EU, fiscal policy, panel data
This article aims to demonstrate the confirmation or the refutation of the hypothesis that there is a connection between fiscal policy and economic development. The study begins with an overview of the main theoretical contributions. A few indicators that give the measure of the economic development are analysed for the sample of the Central and South Eastern European countries, members of the EU. The empirical analysis seeks to establish the relevance of the main determinants of the economic development (GDP per capita) and the three levers of the fiscal policy (fiscal pressure, the share of public expenditure in GDP and budgetary balance in the share of GDP), for each country, of the sample of the 12 countries of Central and South Eastern Europe, the new members of the European Union, during 2001-2010.
Econometric model Concerning The Impact Of The Fiscal Policy Upon The Economic Development. The Case Of The Countries From Central And Eastern Europe, Members Of The European Union (265.0 KiB, 4,436 hits)
Posted in Economics, Volume II, Issue no. 3
Posted on 15 August 2011. Tags: ecotourism, EDEN, EU, sustainable development, tourism policy
Environment and tourism interact in very close terms, the relation being strong and in many cases straightforward. The synergic interaction came into reality in several forms of alternative tourism with a very dynamic evolution in the last decades. Ecotourism, as the outmost of environment friendly tourism, attracts more and more consumers and determines communities or entrepreneurs to create a prolific economic framework. The paper explores at what extent EU policies are prepared to harness the benefits of this interaction. It resulted that tourism-environment combination is not only a sector policy target, but also an important development levy for rural areas and an effective protection means for nature conservation.
Tourism and Environment – Towards a European Tourism Policy (809.0 KiB, 3,199 hits)
Posted in Economics, Issue no. 5