Tag Archive | "Ethics audit"

Implementing Ethics Auditing Model: New Approach

The aims of this article are to test how does enhanced ethics audit model as a new tool for management in Estonian companies work and to investigate through ethics audit model the hidden ethical risks in information technology which occur in everyday work and may be of harm to stakeholders’ interests. Carrying out ethics audit requires the diversity of research methods. Therefore throughout the research the authors took into account triangulation method. The research was conducted through qualitative approach and an analysis on a case study, which also included interviews, questionnaires and observations. Reason why authors audited ethical aspects of company´s info technology field is due to the fact that info technology as such is an area which is not handled in any CSR reports but may cause serious ethical risks to company ́s stakeholders. The article concludes with suggesting an extension of the ethics audit model for evaluating ethical risks and for companies to help to raise employees’- awareness about safe internet using and responsibility towards protecting the organization’s information technology and to prevent ethical and moral risks occurring.

  Implementing Ethics Auditing Model: New Approach (739.8 KiB, 3,019 hits)

Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 4