Tag Archive | "economic development"

Globalization – Engine for Economic Growth

This paper tries to design the proper framework for highlighting the importance of globalization and the meaning of it being the engine for economic growth. Globalization and economic growth go hand in hand and are empowered by the Solow’s model influence, which is translated as sustainable economic development, which also could be accelerated by using the Total Factors Productivity synergic relation. The competitive advantage of globalization is growth sustained and accelerated by factors that are empowered by the need to evolve of corporations and spread towards the entire global market, these being the part emphasized in the second part of this paper and also that wants to complementary complete globalization’s big picture.

  Globalization – Engine for Economic Growth (644.7 KiB, 3,077 hits)

Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 6

Considerations Regarding Foreign Investments in Romania in the Year 2014

The financial crisis strongly marked states around the world due to the increasing indebtedness of the states and of the banks, which went through, with few exceptions, a prolonged recession. The year 2014 seems to mark a new economic cycle, and the turnaround is seen in Romania, a state which has made progress in reinforcing and stabilizing the public finance sector, as well as resuming economic growth which must be followed by economic development. The concept of economic development is more complex than economic growth, which involves the design of certain directions for long-term sustainable growth, based on the optimum use of available resources, on the continuous development of innovative potential and human capital, reducing social inequalities, etc., where the investment process has a particularly important role.

From this perspective, analysing factors that influence the attraction of foreign investments, as a vector of economic development in the international context is the most important –this will be the main objective of this paper.

  Considerations Regarding Foreign Investments in Romania in the Year 2014 (242.4 KiB, 1,936 hits)

Posted in Knowledge Management, Volume IV, Issue no. 2

The Contribution of Education to the Economic Development Process of the States

The study on the contribution of education to economic development process measured by GDP per capita reveals that one of the main factors of influence is the training level of the human factor. Through statistical methods and econometric models, we analyzed the influence of education spending on gross domestic product level. Likewise, the study highlights also the issue of correlation between education spending and employment levels. At the end of the scientific approach, the authors analyze the dependence of education – human development – GDP per capita.

  The Contribution of Education to the Economic Development Process of the States (736.8 KiB, 12,534 hits)

Posted in Economics, Volume III, Issue no. 1

Economic Growth Sustaining Under Environmental Sustainability and Human Development. A Global Challenge

This paper treats the sustainable development concept, which aims to support economic growth in terms of environmental sustainability and human development. For that purpose the paper shows the concept of sustainable development’ origins and enlargement, the transition from the economic development paradigm to the sustainability paradigm as is seen through the three sustainability’ dimensions (economic, social and environmental). It is made an analysis of environmental and business sustainability in the context of economic development, due to the fact that sustainable development comprises environmental protection, and environmental protection is a determinant of sustainable development. Without the environment protection, there is no sustainability. As a conclusion, the implementation of the environmental strategies in organizations should be a policy priority in order to meet the needs of current and future generations.

  Economic Growth Sustaining Under Environmental Sustainability and Human Development. A Global Challenge (441.6 KiB, 5,124 hits)

Posted in Economics, Volume II, Issue no. 5

Econometric model Concerning The Impact Of The Fiscal Policy Upon The Economic Development. The Case Of The Countries From Central And Eastern Europe, Members Of The European Union

This article aims to demonstrate the confirmation or the refutation of the hypothesis that there is a connection between fiscal policy and economic development. The study begins with an overview of the main theoretical contributions. A few indicators that give the measure of the economic development are analysed for the sample of the Central and South Eastern European countries, members of the EU. The empirical analysis seeks to establish the relevance of the main determinants of the economic development (GDP per capita) and the three levers of the fiscal policy (fiscal pressure, the share of public expenditure in GDP and budgetary balance in the share of GDP), for each country, of the sample of the 12 countries of Central and South Eastern Europe, the new members of the European Union, during 2001-2010.

  Econometric model Concerning The Impact Of The Fiscal Policy Upon The Economic Development. The Case Of The Countries From Central And Eastern Europe, Members Of The European Union (265.0 KiB, 4,421 hits)

Posted in Economics, Volume II, Issue no. 3

Economies of Emerging States and Foreign Trade in the Knowledge Economy

The current society has brought in the foreground of its preoccupations the foreign trade as a factor of recovery and development, especially in the case of the emergent states.

Starting with Adam Smith and David Ricardo, theories of the foreign trade have been built to demonstrate the advantages that trades might bring to the partners. There are “voices” that support the idea of the inferiority of emergent economies in the international trade plan, so in the present papers we aim, without condemning this opinion, at arguing that in nowadays society foreign trade remains the major and most direct way, for the emergent economies, of access to knowledge and to its results.

  Economies of Emerging States and Foreign Trade in the Knowledge Economy (717.1 KiB, 3,693 hits)

Posted in Economics, Issue no. 6