Posted on 15 June 2012. Tags: behavior, Business Intelligence components, decisional process, Diagrams, model, scenarios, structure, Unified Modelling Language
In the last years, the world has moved from predominantly industrial society to information society, governed by a new set of rules, which allows access to digital technologies, processing, storage and transmission of information. Organizations include in their decisional process Business Intelligence components, which help the decision-makers to establish the conditions of financial equilibrium, to highlight weaknesses and strengths, to make predictions. Particularly, Unified Modelling Language (UML), as a formal and standardized language, allows the control of the system’s complexity, shows different but complementary views of the organization and ensures independence towards the implementation language and the domain of application.
This article aims to show the way UML diagrams are used as support in a decisional process for a hotel company. UML diagrams designed help decision- makers to analysis and discover the causes, to design and simulation of possible scenarios, to implement and measuring the results.
Improving The Decisional Process By Using UML Diagrams (1.0 MiB, 5,001 hits)
Posted in Information Technology, Volume II, Issue no. 3
Posted on 15 December 2010. Tags: Business Administration, Business Modeling, Diagrams, UML, Unified Modeling Language
The article elaborates weather UML, primarily used in software engineering, can be a useful tool in business modeling and administration. By analyzing the advantages the modeling language has to offer we find that UML is visual and object oriented and that it is useful in expressing structure, interaction and behavior as well. With its help managers and business people can build models and diagrams to help put things into perspective. “Case Study 1” shows UML can be used as an analysis tool in business modeling to help increase the complexity and depth of the event or project that is being developed. “Case Study 2” attempts to prove that UML can also be efficiently used in finding solutions to newly appeared problems in a business environment. Despite the practicality of the Unified Modeling Language there is still some criticism brought to it. Some programmers consider it to be hard to learn and some developers claim that it is too abstract. The article concludes that despite the minor drawbacks; due to its adaptability and complex visual models, it is a very useful tool that adds value to the modeling of business structures and processes.
UML In Business Administration (461.0 KiB, 4,108 hits)
Posted in Information Technology, Issue no. 1