Tag Archive | "development"

Investigating the Effect of Government Health Expenditure on HDI in Iran

Human development is used as one of the most important indices to measure the level of countries development in resent decades. This study examines the effect of government health expenditure on human development index (HDI) by using the ordinary least squares method (OLS) over the period 1990-2009 in Iran. The results show a positive and significant relationship between government health expenditure and human development index. Also, Granger Causality Test indicates that there is no bilateral relationship between the government health expenditure and HDI in Iran.

  Investigating the Effect of Government Health Expenditure on HDI in Iran (241.4 KiB, 5,296 hits)

Posted in Economics, Volume II, Issue no. 5

Analyze Of Enviromental Discolsure Within European Union Countries

The research is conducted as an empirical study which explains how environmental disclosure varies across European countries and reflects factors that explain this variation at the European Union level. The paper identifies and analyze five factors that explain the varies of environmental disclosure across European Union Countries: strength of auditing and accounting standards, government mandated disclosure of environmental performance and pollutant release, development, number of companies which had implemented ISO 14001/EMAS, eco-label awards obtained by companies within the country, environmental performance. After the empirical and theoretical analyze we can conclude that the introduction of mandatory environmental disclosure is the most efficient way to increase the quantity and the quality of environmental disclosure at the European Union level. This study is not a research of some particular entities regarding environmental disclosure. The paper discusses environmental disclosure as an average of all the environmental disclosure of all the entities within a European Union country. The paper is of interest to anyone involved in the process of environmental disclosure, either as entity or other user of environmental information’s.

  Analyze Of Enviromental Discolsure Within European Union Countries (285.1 KiB, 3,715 hits)

Posted in Economics, Volume II, Issue no. 4

Whether WTP Is Affected By Some Other Factors? A Case Study On Durgapur

Industrialization process is the one of the vital key element of any developing country. It has two impacts. One is the benefit and the other is cost. While it is necessary for occupational transformation of the economy, in terms of employment and growth of the economy, but it has also substantial impact on environmental degradation, resource depletion and related social costs. In this research paper, the objective the study is to examine the how WTP is affected by the other factors in Durgapur.

  Whether WTP Is Affected By Some Other Factors? A Case Study On Durgapur (248.3 KiB, 3,863 hits)

Posted in Economics, Volume II, Issue no. 3

Volume II / Issue no. 2

Progress through Technology Evaluation and Utilization of Business Results Research and Development-Innovation

Intellectual property consists of a firm of property values is included in intangible assets. These property values can be any of the items under the protection of industrial property in Romania (patents, trademarks, products or commercial, industrial designs, topographies of integrated circuits, know- how, etc..), Provided any copyright by Law 8/ 1996, including software, licensing or similar rights arising from commercial contracts.

  Progress through Technology Evaluation and Utilization of Business Results Research and Development-Innovation (700.2 KiB, 2,860 hits)

Posted in Knowledge Management, Volume II, Issue no. 2

Development and Progress through Intellectual Property Protection and Leverage

Worldwide, every year, cultural, scientific and technical dimensions increases its value as a result of spiritual and creative members of society. Since surplus value and prosperity is a consequence of the act of creation, protection of creators and their creations to be one of the main factors that we must take into consideration and those involved in national security system structures.

Basically, protection creators respectively Patent, design and trademark licenses, the designs, is made by a legal institution of intellectual property, which is the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks (OSIM) – government organ specialty, with unique authority in Romania, acting in accordance with law and the provisions of international conventions to which the Romanian State is party.

  Development and Progress through Intellectual Property Protection and Leverage (790.1 KiB, 3,071 hits)


Posted in Economics, Volume II, Issue no. 1

Serempathy: A New Approach To Innovation. An Application To Forty-Six Regions Of Atlantic Arc Countries

This research provides a new theoretical approach to innovation called Serempathy: Serendipity (which is achieved by chance) + Empathy (putting your self in the other). Serempathy relies on collaborative relationships between: University, private companies and public administration. In this theoretical approach adds chance to scientific discovery and an environment of empathy. Ideas aren’t self-contained things; they’re more like ecosystems and networks.

The work also provides data processed in recent years (2004-2006) for forty six Atlantic Arc Regions (the forty regions of countries: United Kindong, France, Portugal and Spain), overall and in different clusters, providing relevant empirical evidence on the relationship between Human Capital, Technological Platform, Innovation, Serempathy and Output. In the econometric and statistical modeling is considered especially for forty regions of the Atlantic Arc.

  Serempathy: A New Approach To Innovation. An Application To Forty-Six Regions Of Atlantic Arc Countries (907.9 KiB, 2,535 hits)

Posted in Economics, Issue no. 6

The Impact Of Institutional Quality On Economic Growth And Development: An Empirical Study

During the last twenty years economics literature and debates have increasingly referred to institutions as the answers to the longstanding questions concerning how economic growth arises, what policies can be used to promote best results in terms of economic performances and what accounts for differences in GDP levels among countries so that the analysis of the institutional framework under which any economy operates has now become an indispensable object of research. This paper will investigate the impact of institutional quality on economic growth over sixty years among countries at different stages of development recurring to three institutional indicators tested through a pooled regression model and a fixed effects model.

  The Impact Of Institutional Quality On Economic Growth And Development: An Empirical Study (850.8 KiB, 6,016 hits)

Posted in Economics, Issue no. 6