This research explores the causal relationships among the attitude toward using e-learning, the perception on the usefulness of e-learning and the adoption of e-learning as well as the mediating role of the attitude toward using e-learning and the moderating role of the perceived usefulness of e- learning. We use an advanced method known as the directed acyclic graph to investigate the causal associations. Then we use Sobel’s technique and hierarchical regressions to examine the mediating and moderating relationships.
The research offers the robust evidence on the causal linkages. Furthermore, it reveals the attitude toward using e-learning mediates the association between the perceived usefulness of e-learning and the adoption of e-learning. The perception on the usefulness of e-learning statistically moderates the relationship between the attitude toward using e-learning and the adoption of e-learning.
This research will be significant to education institutions in their decision to adopt e-learning for their education program.
Applying the Directed Acyclic Graph to Examine the Factors Related to the Adoption of E-Learning (290.8 KiB, 2,090 hits)