Using Information Technology for the Efficiency Activities in the Educational Field

In a knowledge-based society, Information and Communications Technology plays an important role in learning process, involve teachers and students into a relationship that allows students to acquire knowledge and skills needed in their future work. The learning environment created by the teachers affects the students’ achievements, their attitude regarding the compulsory school subjects.
We wanted to have feedback from the students regarding what they wait from the course, how much the interest in learning process depend of learning environment and the teacher’s attitude, whether or not their expectations are accomplished, so we organized a survey using a questionnaire with 3 group of questions: (1) why the students learn ICT; (2) how the interest in learning process depend of learning environment and the teacher’s attitude; (3) to what extent the assessment methods affect the students’ attitude.

The survey give answers to important teachers’ problems who want to improve their relationship with the students and bring into question new problems regarding the attitude of the students towards the learning process. The answers suggest the way the teacher must organize the environment in class, give answers the assumption regarding the way the students want to work (individual or in team), their interest, curiosity, motivation, openness.

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