Enhancing Knowledge Sharing Among Higher Education Students through Digital Game

Knowledge is valuable assets of organizations. One of the effective ways of creating new knowledge is highlighting knowledge sharing process among people. In this study the researcher tries to investigate the solutions for knowledge sharing problem in the classroom context. We have two objectives. One is to examine whether participants’ decision-making process in knowledge sharing behaviour through digital game depend on their colleagues’ knowledge sharing behaviours. The second is to examine the perceived payoff of sharing knowledge and specify if it can be characterized through the game theory. The descriptive study was carried out among 30 students from KLMU College in Malaysia. The result indicated the students’ decision making to share their knowledge was dependent to peers knowledge sharing behaviours. In addition, the perceived payoff of sharing knowledge between the students could be characterized by an assurance game. Finally, the paper provides some implication for lecturers or managers who want to provide effective knowledge sharing in their classrooms or organizations.

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