The Problems of the Albanian Agro-Industry through Analysis of Exports – Imports and Competitive Environment (Region of Korca)

The general picture of the Albanian Agribusiness discovers that it is still separated and with a productivity of a low scale compared with European equivalents. Apart from rapid progress, the total production doesn’t coincide with internal consumption, which is completed from considerable quantities of imported food products. For this reason, the production relatively small needs efficient consolidation processes and effective to the address of the value chain which is based on the capital gains. The development in the value chain and common exploitation of the sources results to the effects of synergy, which leads to the cost reduction, productivity increase, quality improvement and increase of sales through market diversification and sales’ expansion in local, regional and international markets.

The paper gives a panorama of exports – imports of the Albanian Agribusiness concentrating at this sector in the region of Korca and analyzes some of the priority industries of the agribusiness sector in the region and further on the point of view of five competitive forces of Porter.

  The Problems of the Albanian Agro-Industry through Analysis of Exports – Imports and Competitive Environment (Region of Korca) (314.1 KiB, 3,060 hits)

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