Archive | Volume VIII, Issue no. 5

Valuation of Patent under Uncertainty: A Real Option Perspective

Innovation has become a key to corporate success, so many information electronic companies apply patents to protect theirs new technology. The application of real option theory (ROT) is suitable for valuing patent, because of the higher degree of uncertainty and operational flexibility connected to the technology innovation and market volatility. The 214 listed firms in […]

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Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume VIII, Issue no. 5

Evaluation of the Entrepreneurial University Dimensions in Albanian

In the last decade many universities have developed alongside with teaching and research traditional missions also their third mission that enables them to move towards the “entrepreneurial university” model. Such approach no doubts play a crucial role in the socio-economic development. The urgent need of Albanian universities to contribute to the social and economic local […]

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Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume VIII, Issue no. 5

The Influence of Leadership Styles on Employees Engagement: a Case Study from Albanian Bank Sector

Employee engagement plays a crucial role in the work environment. It impacts on their behaviours, attitudes, performance, productivity, turnover, business outcomes etc. Based on this critical importance, the conducted study will provide insight on follower engagement and highlight the impact of leadership styles. It will examine the effects of transactional and transformational leadership on employees’ […]

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Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume VIII, Issue no. 5