Posted on 15 February 2017. Tags: Accounting, accounting and financial reporting standards, accounting information, accounting regulations, financial reporting
Qualitative and reliable financial information is a key element in the decision making process, and the availability of such information is particularly important for the business management and public interest in general. The road towards ensuring qualitative and reliable financial information is challenging and requires the use of multiple mechanisms to put in function the […]
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Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume VII, Issue no. 1
Posted on 15 February 2017. Tags: economic growth, economic policy, finance, public debt
Since the half of the last century the importance of public debt as an instrument of economic policy, is increasing more and more. Public debt as a form of financing for meeting the needs of state, besides being present in developed industrial countries, it is used a lot in developing countries or countries in transition. […]
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Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume VII, Issue no. 1
Posted on 15 February 2017. Tags: consumer behavior, decision making process, social media, survey
Most studies show that the Internet and social media usage is changing consumer behav-ior,a modern trend also witnessed in developing countries such as Kosovo. This paper will offer an overview on how the consumers use social media in the stages of decision making process and the psychographic variables that influence their behavior. A survey of […]
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Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Volume VII, Issue no. 1
Posted on 15 February 2017. Tags: barriers, car industry, entry mode, indian market, SAAB
As domestic markets have become saturated, multinational corporations (MNC) are turning their attention to international markets to increase their market share, revenues and their profits. MNCs activities have become increasingly global in scope, whereby going abroad is crucial if they are to succeed. This process is a challenge because the MNCs needs to overcome the […]
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Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume VII, Issue no. 1