Archive | Volume V, Issue no. 6

Romanian External Debt Evolution -Pre and Post Accession to Eu

The present paper is studying the evolution of Romania’s foreign debt before and post accession in the European Union, namely the period 2000 – 2013, in the large context of the specific macroeconomic policy objectives of the times. According to our research results, the economic effect of external debt may be considered positive and for […]

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Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 6

Insolvency in Romania – Solution for Avoiding Company Bankruptcy in the Context of Economic Crisis

The lack of a propitious economic environment made the number of companies in Romania that became insolvent to progressively grow from one year to another, even though average sales registered in the year of starting the procedure were larger than the ones in previous years. The performed study presents on one side the evolution of […]

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Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 6

The Impact of the Economic Crisis upon Fiscal System from Romania and EU Member States

Fiscal policies must ensure the stability of taxes and duties and to propose an optimal level of taxation that does not stop economic activity and do not aggravate the financial situation of the population. Measures concerning taxation system should have the effect of training on tax payers and coordinate proper location and collection of taxes. […]

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Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 6

Is Social Protection Expenditure or an Investment? A Cross-Country Comparison in the European Union

The relationship between social protection, growth and income inequality is an important issue in modern societies. However, there exists no consensus about these relationships because government activity could be carried out inefficiently, due to excessive burdens or even because it can reduce the productivity of the system. In this paper, the correlation between social expenditure, […]

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Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 6

Globalization – Engine for Economic Growth

This paper tries to design the proper framework for highlighting the importance of globalization and the meaning of it being the engine for economic growth. Globalization and economic growth go hand in hand and are empowered by the Solow’s model influence, which is translated as sustainable economic development, which also could be accelerated by using […]

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Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 6

Globalization, Economic Growth and Happiness: The Perspectives of an Economy Based on Non-Material Values

Why it is so important to maintain a continuous economic growth within a planet showing clear signs of its exhaustion is an important issue that is questioned more and more often in the last decade or so. The main motivation is to create the resources needed for people to live better and to be happy. […]

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Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Volume V, Issue no. 6