Archive | Volume IV, Issue no. 4

The Phillips Curve – Uk Case

Inflation, as a monetary phenomenon, is viewed by monetarists occurring as a result of supply of currency growing faster than the economic output. Research endeavours aimed at understanding the inflationary process among countries have witnessed major advancements in modelling short-term inflation dynamics”. The literature on the Phillips Curve, which is the “modern view of inflationary […]

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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 4

On the Introduction of E-Government Processes in an EU Revenue & Customs Department: Reluctance to Change, Tangible Benefits and Value-for-Money Investments

E-Government could be seen by and large as the use of Information and Communication Technology in the transformation of governmental. When you look it from the governmental perspective it is essential that the transformed operations should be more efficient and effective. In this study using a qualitative research methodology and respective instruments we the introduction […]

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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 4

The Endogenous Money Hypothesis: An Empirical Study of the Euro Area (1999-2010)

In this paper I examine the endogenous money supply hypothesis in the Euro Area using data from 1999 to 2010. In doing so, I make extensive use of Vector Auto regression models (VAR) with Granger causality procedure to analyze non-cointegrated series and Vector Error Correction models (VECM) for cointegrated series. The cointegration analyses reveal a […]

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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 4

Implementing Ethics Auditing Model: New Approach

The aims of this article are to test how does enhanced ethics audit model as a new tool for management in Estonian companies work and to investigate through ethics audit model the hidden ethical risks in information technology which occur in everyday work and may be of harm to stakeholders’ interests. Carrying out ethics audit […]

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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 4

Modeling in Accounting, an Imperative Process?

The approach of this topic suggested to us by the fact that currently, it persists a controversy regarding the elements that influence decisively the qualitative characteristics of useful financial information. From these elements, we remark accounting models and concepts of capital maintenance in terms of the accounting result, which can be under the influence of […]

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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 4

Opinions on the Aspects Affecting the Performance of Romanian Tourism

I have taken this theme into discussion, because I consider if of great actuality. Thus, though it is unanimously admitted the fact that the Romanian tourism is a branch of the national economy with a huge potential, and, at official level, it is considered to be a priority domain, its performance is not satisfactory yet. […]

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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 4

Financial Key Ratios

This article focuses on computing techniques starting from trial balance data regarding financial key ratios. There are presented activity, liquidity, solvency and profitability financial key ratios. It is presented a computing methodology in three steps based on a trial balance.

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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 4

Environmental and Economic Aspects Associated to the Energy Sector

The energy sector is one of the most important sectors of activity, with an significant impact both on the economy and also on the environment. This paper aims to analyse and evaluate the major economic and environmental issues associated with the energy sector. Among the environmental aspects are analysed those related with the extraction, transport […]

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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 4