Posted on 15 February 2015. Tags: attitude, Information and Communications Technology, learning environment, motivation
In a knowledge-based society, Information and Communications Technology plays an important role in learning process, involve teachers and students into a relationship that allows students to acquire knowledge and skills needed in their future work. The learning environment created by the teachers affects the students’ achievements, their attitude regarding the compulsory school subjects.
We wanted to have feedback from the students regarding what they wait from the course, how much the interest in learning process depend of learning environment and the teacher’s attitude, whether or not their expectations are accomplished, so we organized a survey using a questionnaire with 3 group of questions: (1) why the students learn ICT; (2) how the interest in learning process depend of learning environment and the teacher’s attitude; (3) to what extent the assessment methods affect the students’ attitude.
The survey give answers to important teachers’ problems who want to improve their relationship with the students and bring into question new problems regarding the attitude of the students towards the learning process. The answers suggest the way the teacher must organize the environment in class, give answers the assumption regarding the way the students want to work (individual or in team), their interest, curiosity, motivation, openness.
Using Information Technology for the Efficiency Activities in the Educational Field (733.8 KiB, 1,550 hits)
Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 1
Posted on 15 June 2014. Tags: implementing information systems, IT strategies, management organization efficiency, small and medium enterprises
This paper tries to analyze the ways of perfecting management at SMEs level by an intensive use of informatics technologies, in the context of implementing the information society and the 2020 digital agenda. Large volumes of data, the complexity of its administration and processing procedures, the high demands related to the computer system providing in timely manner valid and relevant information needed to conduct, are defining characteristics when discussing the issue of computerizing SMEs’ activities. This requires a dynamic and creative attitude of the users in relation to the development of a specific informatics system.
In this respect, the new informatics technologies are an indispensable support for the redesign of management systems, the application of advanced management methods and technique and advanced decision assisting.
Improving The Management Of Romanian Smes Through The Use Of Informatic Systems (876.1 KiB, 1,959 hits)
Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Volume IV, Issue no. 3
Posted on 15 February 2013. Tags: e-learning platform, ITC technologies, quality in educational process
E-learning is a term frequently debated in the lasts years, especially in the academic environment. Computer technology has profoundly transformed society, research and education. It provides support for the development of an educational system continuously adapted to society’s demands and advances in knowledge acquisition. Students can learn, evaluate and communicate their own results in formal or informal settings, universities and other public institutions take part in the development of international projects, workers are able to integrate learning into work, using the same tools and technology for working as they use for learn. Teachers have to adopt an appropriate way to interact with students, accept that both formal and informal learning settings offer important strengths to the learning process. They have to assist students in accessing knowledge, become facilitators of learning and partners in sharing ICT resources. What is more, if students used to learn in an on-line way, the school-to-work transition is easier, because they carry the experience of e-learning with them into the workplace, they have more control over their learning and can integrate learning into work more effectively.
Quality through E-Learning and Quality for E-Learning (261.8 KiB, 2,116 hits)
Posted in Information Technology, Volume III, Issue no. 1
Posted on 15 February 2011. Tags: computer applications, modernization of organizational management, public service quality, results-oriented public service
Achieving fundamental management in public organizations involved in the public office holders and posts of leadership and execution in this area adds responsibility in managing all types of resources available to the public sector, namely human resources, information, material and financial. The main aim of the management process is to focus human efforts to coordinate joint work. An important role in this process, is upgrading the quality of organizational management and delivery of public services, improving public services through the implementation of innovative tools, leading to government-oriented processes and results-oriented public service.
Posted in Information Technology, Issue no. 2, Knowledge Management