Posted on 15 December 2015. Tags: economic development, economic growth, globalization, Solow’s model, Total Factors Productivity
This paper tries to design the proper framework for highlighting the importance of globalization and the meaning of it being the engine for economic growth. Globalization and economic growth go hand in hand and are empowered by the Solow’s model influence, which is translated as sustainable economic development, which also could be accelerated by using the Total Factors Productivity synergic relation. The competitive advantage of globalization is growth sustained and accelerated by factors that are empowered by the need to evolve of corporations and spread towards the entire global market, these being the part emphasized in the second part of this paper and also that wants to complementary complete globalization’s big picture.
Globalization – Engine for Economic Growth (644.7 KiB, 3,077 hits)
Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 6
Posted on 15 February 2014. Tags: agricultural holding, agriculture, climate change, strategies, sustainable development
Climate change suppression in agriculture is a priority objective of EU Member States strategic development activities. The interdisciplinary nature of these activities involves a comprehensive approach by identifying and linking development activities and intra and inter-sectorial implementation measures with the response to the effects of climate change. The complex effects of climate change on agriculture substantiate the need of decision making on risk suppression in order to maintain appropriate standards of crops and promote sustainable agriculture. Therefore, variability and climate change must be addressed through daily agricultural activities, with the help of suppression strategies and adaptation measures. Adaptation options are many and range from the technical to behavioural change at the individual level.
Strategies Regarding the Sustainable Development of Agriculture in Romania in Terms of Climate Risk (216.7 KiB, 2,203 hits)
Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 1
Posted on 15 October 2013. Tags: good practices, Real tourism, urban priorities, urban tourism planning
Urban tourism is an old concept having its origin in antiquity, especially when existing ports were frequented at the time. Even though we cannot say that at that time tourism was a concept clearly defined, it is common practice for a few millennium particularly in the Mediterranean area (Greece, the Roman Empire, and Egypt) and the Middle East, with a significant contribution and particular in the evolution of urban areas.
Tourism Planning in Urban Areas – Trends, Best Practices and Priorities in Bucharest (266.4 KiB, 8,761 hits)
Posted in Economics, Volume III, Issue no. 5
Posted on 15 December 2012.
The controversial and wealthy socio-political facet of the economy is generated by the economic implications, in all dimensions of reference of the society.
The search for relevant answers not only the economic future, coerce to new interpretations and appraisals on the evolutionary process of the economic theory. “The Golden Age” of the economic ideas development is, currently, outdated because the foundations of the economic theory have been established once and for all and what happens at present are just confirmations or updated interpretations of what is known for a long time.
The International Value of the Scientific Excellency (224.5 KiB, 1,572 hits)
Posted in Economics, Special Issue - December 2012
Posted on 15 October 2012. Tags: eco-industry, measures, policies, potential
Measures to encourage development of eco-industries represent an important part of the programs of many countries; analyses of different international organisms reveal a series of advantages of this sector for economy. According to OCDE “The environmental goods and services industry consists of activities which produce goods and services to measure, prevent, limit, minimise or correct environmental damage to water, air and soil, as well as problems related to waste, noise and eco-systems”. The paper analyses the avantages of eco- industry and based on environmenal expenditure is made an estimation of eco-industry developement potential in Romani. In the second part of paper are presents the main action for promotion of eco-industry in EU and Romania.
Development of Eco-Industry Sector (590.3 KiB, 2,454 hits)
Posted in Economics, Volume II, Issue no. 5
Posted on 15 April 2012. Tags: development, innovation, intangible assets, Research, valuation
Intellectual property consists of a firm of property values is included in intangible assets. These property values can be any of the items under the protection of industrial property in Romania (patents, trademarks, products or commercial, industrial designs, topographies of integrated circuits, know- how, etc..), Provided any copyright by Law 8/ 1996, including software, licensing or similar rights arising from commercial contracts.
Progress through Technology Evaluation and Utilization of Business Results Research and Development-Innovation (700.2 KiB, 2,860 hits)
Posted in Knowledge Management, Volume II, Issue no. 2
Posted on 15 June 2011. Tags: economic-social policy, employment, equal rights, high European unemployment, labor market, social benefits, social security systems, the economic patriotism
When economic growth and consequently, social progress, is confronted with drastic changes a modification is needed. Mentality, vision or policy change? The principle of the four freedoms (goods, services, capital, labor force) is compulsory and forms a unit, however, the movement of labor constitutes a true “apple of discord” regarding the problem on democratic movements. The idea of equality of Opportunities for all European citizens, without discrimination, is a principle and rises to the level of fundamental European value. Equal opportunities for all represent a desideratum and one of the substance components of everywhere democracy, next to liberty and respect of the fundamental human rights. “The economic patriotism” is a formula designed to sensitize the European citizen, in order to block globalization, which penalizes both the market and the citizen itself.
Problematic Controversies on the European Labor Market (877.4 KiB, 2,658 hits)
Posted in Economics, Issue no. 4
Posted on 05 May 2011. Tags: competition, European social model (ESM), externality, innovation, welfare
“Free flow of ideas” is another component of the liberty confirmed by the EU Constitution who seeks to open without restrictions, for the benefit of all countries, of participation to the expansion of the European innovative heritage. The European Commission released on February 1 this year the first “scoreboard”1 on innovation performance for 2010. Corresponding to this report, the EU has failed to catch up with the gap that sets it apart from USA and Japan in the field of research and innovation (especially in the private sector).
The analysis of macroeconomic indicators shows developments, insufficiently fast, within the EU. However, given the economic crisis and its impact on all activities including on research, the efforts deserve to be highlighted. Currently, the EU is, however, before India and China (the most emerging countries of the world)2 trying to revitalize an area of innovation and research through considerable financial efforts.
The Initiative “The Innovation Union” (200.5 KiB, 2,672 hits)
Posted in Economics, Issue no. 3