Information systems play an important supportive role in most sectors of the economy. This study was developed to answer the question related to the impact of information systems on user performance in Tunisian companies. This article proposes a model combining the Task Technology Fit (TTF), the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Delone & McLean model to evaluate the performance of users in the Tunisian organizations. The model was tested using survey data collected from 314 users of the information system. The results of structural equation analyzes supported the proposed model and highlighted the important role of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness in mediating effects between TTF, system quality and information quality and performance users.
The results show that TTF, system quality and information quality directly influences the performance of users and indirectly through perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.
The Impact of Information Systems on user Performance: An Exploratory Study (733.0 KiB, 6,918 hits)