Posted on 15 December 2015. Tags: health, income, subjective wellbeing, sustainable development, wealth
Why it is so important to maintain a continuous economic growth within a planet showing clear signs of its exhaustion is an important issue that is questioned more and more often in the last decade or so. The main motivation is to create the resources needed for people to live better and to be happy. A closer look of what the sources of happiness are and how they relate to economic growth reveals that the relation is not straight-forward. Further economic growth depends on many factors but it is assumed that globalization would create favourable conditions for all countries. Empirical evidence indicates that developing countries are in fact the ones that benefit less from globalization.
Globalization, Economic Growth and Happiness: The Perspectives of an Economy Based on Non-Material Values (802.4 KiB, 2,724 hits)
Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Volume V, Issue no. 6
Posted on 15 June 2015. Tags: environment, environmental responsibility, organization, social concern, social responsibility, sustainable development
The attitude of companies on the environment fits into a broader sector such as that of social responsibility. Social responsibility includes topics such as child labor exploitation, safety and quality or environmental impact of companies. They now receive more attention from the media, because they lead to the development of new legislation, causing some of the responses consumers through demand and are considered by investors for setting up the portfolio. The debate services that companies must provide society that forms at a time the market and how society influences the behavior of companies imposing them or punishing certain behaviors remain open and highly complex.
As a conclusion we can highlight that in the growing social concern to strive towards development models based on sustainability, the company is trying to redefine its role to adapt to these environmental changes. In this regard, there is a concern increasingly more important role it has to play in the overall strategy of sustainable development as the basic unit of production and thus generating considerable impacts for both economic and social and environmental.
Social and Environmental Responsibility of the Organization in the Context of Sustainable Development (603.3 KiB, 7,797 hits)
Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 3
Posted on 15 February 2014. Tags: agricultural holding, agriculture, climate change, strategies, sustainable development
Climate change suppression in agriculture is a priority objective of EU Member States strategic development activities. The interdisciplinary nature of these activities involves a comprehensive approach by identifying and linking development activities and intra and inter-sectorial implementation measures with the response to the effects of climate change. The complex effects of climate change on agriculture substantiate the need of decision making on risk suppression in order to maintain appropriate standards of crops and promote sustainable agriculture. Therefore, variability and climate change must be addressed through daily agricultural activities, with the help of suppression strategies and adaptation measures. Adaptation options are many and range from the technical to behavioural change at the individual level.
Strategies Regarding the Sustainable Development of Agriculture in Romania in Terms of Climate Risk (216.7 KiB, 2,203 hits)
Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 1
Posted on 15 February 2013. Tags: changes, economy, sustainable development, valuation
Sustainable development necessitates the harmonisation of human’s and nature’s needs under the siege of continuous demographic growth and the quest for wellbeing based on material things. This outcome implies important changes to occur at individual, collective and corporate behaviour. How they could be accomplished is a question that animates debates for several decades and revealed that solutions should be related to the process of valuation. Better understanding of value and how it relates to the needs of environmental protection is the aim of our analysis that recalls axiological milestones and compares them with environment related issues. Value as a product of object and subject in the framework of human aspirations is at some extent transposed in economic value. Environmental goods valuation in economic terms encounters numerous difficulties, including high costs and low reliability. Therefore we conclude that decision making should be underpinned not only by economic valuation, but also by value judgement that cannot be expressed in monetary terms.
Values and Environmental Ethics – Pillars of Changing Human Behaviour Toward Sustainable Development (290.3 KiB, 3,850 hits)
Posted in Economics, Volume III, Issue no. 1
Posted on 15 October 2012. Tags: economic development, environmental strategies, environmental sustainability, sustainability, sustainable development
This paper treats the sustainable development concept, which aims to support economic growth in terms of environmental sustainability and human development. For that purpose the paper shows the concept of sustainable development’ origins and enlargement, the transition from the economic development paradigm to the sustainability paradigm as is seen through the three sustainability’ dimensions (economic, social and environmental). It is made an analysis of environmental and business sustainability in the context of economic development, due to the fact that sustainable development comprises environmental protection, and environmental protection is a determinant of sustainable development. Without the environment protection, there is no sustainability. As a conclusion, the implementation of the environmental strategies in organizations should be a policy priority in order to meet the needs of current and future generations.
Economic Growth Sustaining Under Environmental Sustainability and Human Development. A Global Challenge (441.6 KiB, 5,124 hits)
Posted in Economics, Volume II, Issue no. 5
Posted on 15 August 2011. Tags: ecotourism, EDEN, EU, sustainable development, tourism policy
Environment and tourism interact in very close terms, the relation being strong and in many cases straightforward. The synergic interaction came into reality in several forms of alternative tourism with a very dynamic evolution in the last decades. Ecotourism, as the outmost of environment friendly tourism, attracts more and more consumers and determines communities or entrepreneurs to create a prolific economic framework. The paper explores at what extent EU policies are prepared to harness the benefits of this interaction. It resulted that tourism-environment combination is not only a sector policy target, but also an important development levy for rural areas and an effective protection means for nature conservation.
Tourism and Environment – Towards a European Tourism Policy (809.0 KiB, 3,185 hits)
Posted in Economics, Issue no. 5
Posted on 15 August 2011. Tags: EKC, environmental degradation, globalization, natural capital, sustainable development
Environmental degradation is another issue that highlighted the drawbacks of the highly promoted economic relations in the last two centuries. In conceptual terms its solution was found in a variety of models out of which only sustainable development became a widespread support for policy making. The paper examines how the basic underpinning stands compared with the actual policies framed at global level and which are the prospects of success in a world that is more and more influenced by globalization. It was found that widening the scope of economy could bring in progress toward sustainability, but this also supposes a shift in the drivers of demand from global to local.
Conceptual Milestones of Sustainable Development Policy in a Global World (792.8 KiB, 3,826 hits)
Posted in Economics, Issue no. 5
Posted on 15 August 2011. Tags: action plans, eco-label, environmental policies, green public procurement, sustainable development
The main objectives of the EU environmental policy are environmental and public health protection, prudent and rational use of natural resources, and promoting international actions to solve the regional and global environmental problems. The EU policies implementation is performed by using specific tools as legislation, – notably Directives setting environmental quality standards (levels of pollution), rules for industrial procedures (emission standards, design and operational standards), products standards (concentration or emission limits for a product) – environmental protection action plans, and financial aid programs. This paper reviews some of the most important policies and actions promoted at European level in order to protect the environment and ensuring sustainable development.
Implementing Environmental Policies in EU – Action Plans and Programs (845.0 KiB, 2,850 hits)
Posted in Economics, Issue no. 5
Posted on 15 April 2011. Tags: environmentalism, polluting industries, stakeholder management, sustainable development
The seriousness of environmental processes such as climate change, biodiversity loss or resources depletion becomes obvious through studies that require advanced expertise. Due to these characteristic environmental issues remained for a long time beyond public perception, but also beyond the economic cycle. Once some of the ecological unbalances were embodied in acute events with direct health impact, environmental issues entered the political agenda at different levels. The finding of solutions for environmental problems depends also on the capacity of the society to create intervention means that allow the expression of ecological unbalances in forms that are perceivable for both population, and economic systems.
Interplays Between Environmentalism And Polluting Industries (328.0 KiB, 2,661 hits)
Posted in Economics, Issue no. 3