Posted on 15 June 2015. Tags: environment, environmental responsibility, organization, social concern, social responsibility, sustainable development
The attitude of companies on the environment fits into a broader sector such as that of social responsibility. Social responsibility includes topics such as child labor exploitation, safety and quality or environmental impact of companies. They now receive more attention from the media, because they lead to the development of new legislation, causing some of the responses consumers through demand and are considered by investors for setting up the portfolio. The debate services that companies must provide society that forms at a time the market and how society influences the behavior of companies imposing them or punishing certain behaviors remain open and highly complex.
As a conclusion we can highlight that in the growing social concern to strive towards development models based on sustainability, the company is trying to redefine its role to adapt to these environmental changes. In this regard, there is a concern increasingly more important role it has to play in the overall strategy of sustainable development as the basic unit of production and thus generating considerable impacts for both economic and social and environmental.
Social and Environmental Responsibility of the Organization in the Context of Sustainable Development (603.3 KiB, 7,807 hits)
Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 3
Posted on 15 August 2013. Tags: climate chang, Rural system, social responsibility, sustainability, web marketing
Well-being of the territorial systems with rural vocation can be compromised by climate change, but they also can influence, both positively than negatively, the factors that determine climate change. Starting from this dichotomous vision of the relationship between climate change and rural development, this study focuses on the role that Internet and the web mar-kiting strategies can develop in the mitigation and in the adaptation to climate change trough the spread of information on virtuous behaviour by individuals and firms. In such optics, the study provides a survey to evaluate the propensity of firms to use the web in order to promote responsible behaviour among the users of websites (suggesting virtuous behaviours) or to valorise their commitment in the fight against climate change.
Territorial Systems with Rural Vocation, Innovation and Climate Change: from the Web an Opportunity for the Sustainability of Well-Being (248.5 KiB, 2,791 hits)
Posted in Economics, Volume III, Issue no. 4