Tag Archive | "small and medium enterprises"

Improving The Management Of Romanian Smes Through The Use Of Informatic Systems

This paper tries to analyze the ways of perfecting management at SMEs level by an intensive use of informatics technologies, in the context of implementing the information society and the 2020 digital agenda. Large volumes of data, the complexity of its administration and processing procedures, the high demands related to the computer system providing in timely manner valid and relevant information needed to conduct, are defining characteristics when discussing the issue of computerizing SMEs’ activities. This requires a dynamic and creative attitude of the users in relation to the development of a specific informatics system.

In this respect, the new informatics technologies are an indispensable support for the redesign of management systems, the application of advanced management methods and technique and advanced decision assisting.

  Improving The Management Of Romanian Smes Through The Use Of Informatic Systems (876.1 KiB, 2,010 hits)

Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Volume IV, Issue no. 3

The Influence of the Business Environment on Small and Medium Enterprises

The Small and Medium Enterprise sector in Romania has been significantly affected by the global recession in the years 2008-2009; currently it is making efforts to revive it, thanks to important role it occupies in the economy of any country. SMEs raise wide debates, especially on fiscal measures. In Romania, SMEs represent 99.7% of all businesses, generating two-thirds of jobs in the business and half of gross value added. This paper focuses on the development of SMEs and hence on business environment in Romania. The purpose of this paper is to present the influence which regulations and evolution of businesses environment have on the SME sector.

  The Influence of the Business Environment on Small and Medium Enterprises (415.5 KiB, 7,023 hits)

Posted in Economics, Knowledge Management, Volume IV, Issue no. 2