Tag Archive | "Profit"

Opinions Regarding the Political Interest and the Economic Reality from the Perspective of the New Fiscal Regulations

The configuration of the politic interest from the fiscal perspective, its impact upon the economic reality and the performance of the feedback by means of the tax payer, remains a field of perpetual controversies. This is the reason for which we considered as being very useful to present, according to our own vision, certain details of the inter-relationship mechanism of the politic interest with the economic reality and the place and role of the tax payer within this process.

  Opinions Regarding the Political Interest and the Economic Reality from the Perspective of the New Fiscal Regulations (625.6 KiB, 1,824 hits)

Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume VI / 2016, Volume VI, Issue no. 1

Analysis of Financial Performance in the Banking System in Kosovo – the Period 2006-2012

Through this paper we analyse the performance indicators of banks in Kosovo Banking System. According to the works of different authors worldwide, more accurate measurement of bank performance based on accounting data, in the application of coefficients leading financial banks are: Return on assets – ROA, return on equity – ROE and Cost Report to revenue – C / I.

This paper describes the analysis of financial indicators for the period 2006 – 2007 – 2008 – 2009 -2010 – 2011 and 2012.

The paper is organized as follows:
– Section 2 provides literature review on the performance of banks in other countries;
– Section 3 provides an analysis of the banking sector in Kosovo and macroeconomic indicators during the period analysed;
– Section 4 presents the results of analysing the financial coefficients. While section 5 presents financial analysis and provides key conclusions.

  Analysis of Financial Performance in the Banking System in Kosovo - the Period 2006-2012 (645.5 KiB, 5,808 hits)

Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 2