Posted on 15 October 2016. Tags: Enterprise resources Planning (ERP), Human Resources, information technology, organizations, SAP
Modern and advanced organizations in today’s world are influenced by various changes. One of these changes is impact of information technology applications and programs. This phenomenon is becoming increasingly popular and today’s big, medium and small companies have to deal with changes of the new era and modern technology.
One important reason is achieving competitive advantages, better control of information, and significant savings on operating costs. Institutions and companies that do not accept, or avoid the adoption and implementation of information technology in business, in most cases, are not ready for market race, or they must be expressed in differentiated and expensive service or product that is not dependent on information technologies.
Lately, many companies referred to the so-called ERP solutions, which is an acronym for Enterprise Resource Planning. The purpose of these solutions is to cover the entire business of the company through the offered modules. In this way, the company implements a unique business solution that shows insight into the entire business, achieves excellent control of operations, and uses the existing data, in order to make crucial decisions. ERP solution, called SAP, is a famous one among the top ten vendors of business software.
The demand for human resources that are capable of adjusting to modern trends and operating in SAP solution is huge. However, the purpose of this paper is to explain the importance of human capital in soft computing in general. In this paper, we are analyzing soft computing model: SAP and the role of human capital in it.
Human Resources in SAP (669.4 KiB, 2,083 hits)
Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume VI, Issue no. 5
Posted on 15 October 2013. Tags: knowledge management, Knowledge Management Issues, organizations
Knowledge management is a relatively young topic to other older strategic tools, and it has been attracting the attention of researchers and academics over the past decade or so. In this regard globalization is already in many countries including Malaysia like many other developing countries, Malaysia is also striving to fulfil its vision of becoming a developed nation. It is a fast growing country in terms of both economy and technology.
However, obstacles for successful knowledge management initiatives will be there for this country, as well. Thus, exploration of the potential barriers is essential before any Malaysian company embarks on a knowledge management journey.
This research has shed light to some of the important issues and challenges with reference to knowledge management in Malaysia by providing a more thorough and clear picture of the knowledge management status amongst Malaysian organizations. This could in turn help top managers and decision makers to develop a more insightful agenda to ensure success for their respective knowledge management initiatives.
Knowledge Management Issues in Malaysian Organizations: the Perceptions of Leaders (230.4 KiB, 9,496 hits)
Posted in Knowledge Management, Volume III, Issue no. 5
Posted on 15 December 2011. Tags: coaching, organizations, tool and skill
Nowadays you will come across the word ‘coaching’ anytime and anywhere in the world. It is used in education, but also in business. It is used in big organizations, but also in small ones. It is used in non-profit organizations, but also in profit ones. It is used on an executive level, but also on the work floor. You come across various types of coaching, like personal coaching, buddy coaching, peer coaching, executive coaching, board coaching, business coaching, performance coaching, etc.
But what exactly is coaching? Is it a philosophy, a concept, a tool or a skill? When is it useful, and when not. And how can coaching be applied in everyday life? In this article I will give a short summary of important elements of coaching.
Coaching: A Philosophy, Concept, Tool and Skill (607.0 KiB, 4,907 hits)
Posted in Issue no. 7, Knowledge Management