Tag Archive | "management"

Opinions on the Aspects Affecting the Performance of Romanian Tourism

I have taken this theme into discussion, because I consider if of great actuality. Thus, though it is unanimously admitted the fact that the Romanian tourism is a branch of the national economy with a huge potential, and, at official level, it is considered to be a priority domain, its performance is not satisfactory yet. Therefore, I consider it very important to identify the most relevant aspects related to the deficiencies still existing in the system and the causes generating them.

In this regard, my approach aims both at the domestic environment, which is very dynamic and where the tourist activities take place, and also at the extremely strong influence of the foreign environment, materialized by the intensification of the globalization process.

  Opinions on the Aspects Affecting the Performance of Romanian Tourism (274.1 KiB, 2,556 hits)

Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 4

Governance and Investment in the Valuation of Natural Resources

Natural resource management regarding the economic development while respecting the imperatives of compliance with environmental quality is not an easy task. In this paper the authors highlight the role of good governance and investment management in finding the optimal decision regarding the valuation strategy of limited natural resources. Criteria used type of information that is needed and other relevant aspects are discussed and illustrated by examples from Romania.

  Governance and Investment in the Valuation of Natural Resources (256.0 KiB, 2,582 hits)

Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 1

Tourism Organization and Coordination in Australia and the Managerial Strategy for Tourism Development

This paper presents synthetically the organisation of tourism activities in Australia, harmoniously integrated within the functional unit of the economy, as well as the relations between the components of this system, so that they function as real motors of accomplishing the national strategy of tourism development. This paper also deals with sustainable tourism and tourism ecolabelling programs in Australia.

The opinions expressed are based on the research of the cited bibliographic sources and the interpretation of current information, taken from the websites of some reliable organizations (Tourism Australia, Australian Bureau of Statistics). Primary statistics were taken from Tourism Research Australia (TRA), Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and Tourism Satellite Account.

This study may be extended through a similar approach of tourism industry’ organization and tourism development strategy in other regions with great tourism potential, using relevant comparative analyses thereafter.

  Tourism Organization and Coordination in Australia and the Managerial Strategy for Tourism Development (285.9 KiB, 5,768 hits)

Posted in Knowledge Management, Volume II, Issue no. 5

Positive Analysis About Financial Performance And Enviromental Strategys Of Banks. Romania’s Situation

Financial performance represents a subject for researchers especially by its determinants. The analysis of banks is not such complex as economic operators’ analysis, in the most of cases the focal point being stakeholders, regulating and monitoring activities, performance indicators and so on. By taking those researches as a base and keeping in mind the differences regarding financial analysis and its affecting agents, the objective is to investigate Romanian practices about financial performance, paying attention to its affecting agents or factors, green costs and necessary regulation changes in order to get an accurate picture.

  Positive Analysis About Financial Performance And Enviromental Strategys Of Banks. Romania’s Situation (245.0 KiB, 6,684 hits)

Posted in Economics, Volume II, Issue no. 4

The Organisational Culture – An Integrator For Developing Iintellectual Capital In Private Companies

The Intellectual Capital has promoted a new perspective of creating value by increasing the awareness of the intangible resources’ importance.

The current paper seeks to find out if Romanian companies are aware of the organisational culture’s influence on the company’s Intellectual Capital, so that its generation and development to be analysed and improved. Taking into account the particularities of the Romanian Business environment, the external economic and social context and Romanian cultural values, the integrator Organisational Culture was selected for testing the hypothesis of the conducted quantitative research, as it proves to be a powerful integrator, because it reacts upon individual values and intelligence, generating positive or negative outcomes.

  The Organisational Culture – An Integrator For Developing Iintellectual Capital In Private Companies (232.8 KiB, 2,838 hits)

Posted in Economics, Volume II, Issue no. 4

Managing the Hotels Service Products and E-Services. Case Study: Researching Tourists’ Satisfaction Regarding the Hotels Services in Romania

The objective of a hospitality business is to provide guests with a place where they feel welcome and appreciated, and where they can relax and have an enjoyable experience. Service is what an establishment does to and for its guests to achieve this objective. Service is not about smiling and servility. It is a strategy that considers the customer while serving the interests of the hotel. Service excellence gives an organization a competitive edge. Outstanding service makes a lot of money for a hospitality industry because the business of a hotel is people.

The paper tries to define the hotel service as a product that requires objectives, strategies, and measurable management criteria. A quantitative marketing research about tourists’ satisfaction regarding the hotels services in Romania accompanies the paper and highlights the importance of the hotels service products and e-services in the globalization age.

  Managing the Hotels Service Products and E-Services. Case Study: Researching Tourists’ Satisfaction Regarding the Hotels Services in Romania (783.7 KiB, 5,243 hits)

Posted in Economics, Volume II, Issue no. 1

Management in the Innovation Project

The object of this research is to identify the sources of risk in innovation projects and to determine whether they could be managed better. Due to the diversity of opinions and theories over the nature of risk, reaching an agreement about risk management is difficult. This will be a major problem if any effort is made to proactively manage ‘risk’ in naturally ‘risky’ areas such as innovation. Some risk management could be valuable, but perhaps too much, or inappropriate risk management might stifle innovation. It is necessary and valuable to consider the process of innovation from conceptualization to commercialization, how uncertainties are formed, how they are managed in that context, and how the techniques of risk management can be further deployed to enhance the success rate of innovation projects. Various approaches have been proposed to risk management in general, however the extent to which they are relevant for managing innovation is uncertain. Thus, during this paper, the general model of innovation and the process of risk management for managing the parameters which create the risk in these projects are explained.

  Management in the Innovation Project (896.5 KiB, 7,163 hits)

Posted in Economics, Issue no. 7

Knowledge Management – The Importance of Learning Theory

“Knowledge is power”. Sir Francis Bacon, Religious Meditations, Of Heresies, 1597 – English author, courtier, & philosopher (1561 – 1626)

Knowledge Management is a current topic in the market, which have been treated during the last years from different consideration perspectives. This ongoing subject has fascinated me ever since I had the opportunity to read a paragraph of Hendry Minzberg, in respect of this topic.

Knowledge management is a main part of the today’s economy. It reflects the expressive representation to the demand of the knowledge society, within the scope of the globalization and the continuous learning.

Organizational learning and learning organization are two concepts often confused. If knowledge processes, knowledge contained change occurs through the process of learning. By learning we understand, in this context, an increase of possibilities of action of various sources of personal knowledge.

  Knowledge Management – The Importance of Learning Theory (672.1 KiB, 13,763 hits)

Posted in Issue no. 7, Knowledge Management

Implementation of Cohesion and Structural Funds in Romania

The paper is aimed to analyze the structures involve in implementation of structural and cohesion fund and identifies main issues related on financial management. The proper function of management and control system of structures in charge with the management of structural instruments is one of the main conditions for a good absorption capacity. Financial crisis has an main impact on implementation, therefore in order to speed up the implementation of cohesion policy programmers to ensure that resources are mobilized to support recovery efforts new measures have been proposed to simplify the financial management of the cohesion policy programmers and reduce the administrative burden.

  Implementation of Cohesion and Structural Funds in Romania (621.6 KiB, 3,430 hits)

Posted in Economics, Issue no. 7

The Financing of Public – Private Partnership (PPP) Projects in Romania – An Evaluation of the Awareness and Know-How among Romanian Organizations

In many countries, anti-crisis public measures focus on higher public investment or investment in public objectives, like investment in infrastructure projects, as an important mean to maintain economic activity during the crisis and support a rapid return to sustained economic growth. An instrument to realize these investments is the Public-Private Partnership (hereinafter PPP).
Nevertheless, PPP’s are vulnerable to the economic impact of the crisis. Although the final consequences and duration of the crisis are not yet known, the effects on PPP’s can already be identified and estimated. The crisis has made the conditions for this instrument more difficult. Despite some signs of recovery, the volumes and values of the PPP projects currently closing is still significantly below the level reached before the crisis.

The topic of PPP financing has never been more important than under the current crisis. Alternative innovative solutions are being sought, new markets need to be opened in order to enable the further development of PPP, the stakeholder organizations have to increase their level of understanding regarding the new environment for PPP.

  The Financing of Public - Private Partnership (Ppp) Projects in Romania - An Evaluation of the Awareness and Know- How among Romanian Organizations (844.9 KiB, 5,552 hits)

Posted in Economics, Issue no. 4, Knowledge Management

Information Technology Management

Most of the Information technology management programs are designed to educate and develop managers who can effectively manage the planning, design, selection, implementation, use, and administration of emerging and converging information and communications technologies. The IT Manager and the Project Manager are not at odds. The Project Manager’s ability to focus knowledge, skills, tools and techniques on the temporary endeavor frees the IT Manager to focus on keeping the wheels of commerce turning. The IT Manager supports authority to the Project Manager.


  Information Technology Management (73.2 KiB, 6,449 hits)

Posted in Information Technology, Issue no. 2, Knowledge Management