Tag Archive | "labour market"

Study on Identifying the Need for Personnel within Organizations and the Labor Market Tendencies from the Perspective of Required Qualifications in Centre Region

Socio-economic changes that followed the 1990 and demographic evolutions have decisively influenced the evolution and structure of labour force in Central Region, as well as the needs for qualification. From this perspective, the present study aimed to capture the opinion of employers in Centre Region with regard to the need for personnel in the following period and the labour market tendencies from the perspective of required qualifications within organisations. The method of the research is direct, the sample being available and composed of 247 subjects. The research is supported by the SOPHRD contract 64/3.3/S/33409 „Establishment of the Permanent Technical Secretariat of the Regional Pact for Employment and Social Inclusion in Centre Region”.

  Study on Identifying the Need for Personnel within Organizations and the Labor Market Tendencies from the Perspective of Required Qualifications in Centre Region (776.3 KiB, 2,938 hits)

Posted in Economics, Volume II, Issue no. 1