Tag Archive | "knowledge"

The Importance of Data-Bases in the Process of Knowledge Sharing Inside of an Eco-Bio-Economic Cluster

The term „database” refers to a structured collection of data, used to model aspects of reality in a way that allows useful information to be extracted. In order for the data resource to be well defined and documented, easily administered and interrogated, derives the need to use a proper database management system.
A Database Management System (DBMS) is an interface between users and the database and is designed to store data in an organized manner and to provide full software support for the development of databases IT-apps. A DBMS must ensure the minimizing the data processing cost, reduce response time, the IT apps flexibility and, of course the data protection. Within a cluster-type strategic alliance, an important part in the knowledge-sharing process returns to the database, which is organized in distinct areas of interest, using methods set by After Action Review, or SMART, or other methods organized under complex procedures. The Knowledge Economy Index Report represents an independent review of databases in different countries, based on innovation, creativity, increased production / sustainable consumption and exports.

  The Importance of Data-Bases in the Process of Knowledge Sharing Inside of an Eco-Bio-Economic Cluster (814.5 KiB, 2,044 hits)

Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 3

Understanding of Knowledge from Economist’s Perspective

Author’s approach to knowledge is based on the system of upgrading between knowledge as information, cognitive process, capital and a value. Knowledge cannot exist without it’s subject to whom the capacity of cognition is ascribed. Cognitive capacity is bounded due to imperfect information and the limits of the human mind and is becoming with individual’s inclusion into the society socially contingent. Primarily knowledge represents an investment into an individual who can only through social capital fully employ the human capital acquired for oneself. Through organizational routines and practices individual knowledge is also increasingly spilling over to other users of knowledge causing organization to become an important carrier of knowledge. Organizations are therefore devoting more attention to systematic knowledge management as a tool for boosting intellectual capital which represents understanding of knowledge as capital in its full meaning. Knowledge as capital cannot be fully understood without a more profound grasp of freedom through which knowledge becomes a value.

  Understanding of Knowledge from Economist’s Perspective (632.8 KiB, 2,794 hits)

Posted in Knowledge Management, Volume III, Issue no. 3

Knowledge Transfer in Service-Business Acquisitions

In the post-acquisition integration process, organizations need to transfer different types of knowledge from one organization to another in order to align their operational routines, practices and culture. Our aim is to identify the critical factors that relate to knowledge transfer in terms of the different knowledge types. We conducted a qualitative case study from an exploratory perspective. We first selected a case firm operating in the knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) field and then incorporated four different acquisition cases into the study. The results focus attention on the need to understand the “soft types” of critical factors in knowledge transfer, such as valuing employees, easing interpretation, identifying employee competences, building trust, creating a safe atmosphere, and diagnosing knowledge cultures in order to avoid information-management bias. It is necessary to identify the nature of the knowledge to be transferred to the acquired companies, and to align the communication patterns accordingly.

  Knowledge Transfer in Service-Business Acquisitions (412.6 KiB, 3,204 hits)

Posted in Knowledge Management, Volume III, Issue no. 2

Knowledge Based Economy Assessment

The importance of knowledge-based economy (KBE) in the XXI century is evident. In the article the reflection of knowledge on economy is analyzed. The main point is targeted to the analysis of characteristics of knowledge expression in economy and to the construction of structure of KBE expression. This allows understanding the mechanism of functioning of knowledge economy. The authors highlight the possibility to assess the penetration level of KBE which could manifest itself trough the existence of products of knowledge expression which could be created in acquisition, creation, usage and development of them. The latter phenomenon is interpreted as knowledge expression characteristics: economic and social context, human resources, ICT, innovative business and innovation policy. The reason for this analysis was based on the idea that in spite of the knowledge economy existence in all developed World countries a definitive, universal list of indicators for mapping and measuring the KBE does not yet exists. Knowledge Expression Assessment Models are presented in the article.

  Knowledge Based Economy Assessment (464.4 KiB, 6,002 hits)

Posted in Knowledge Management, Volume II, Issue no. 5

Knowledge Management – The Importance of Learning Theory

“Knowledge is power”. Sir Francis Bacon, Religious Meditations, Of Heresies, 1597 – English author, courtier, & philosopher (1561 – 1626)

Knowledge Management is a current topic in the market, which have been treated during the last years from different consideration perspectives. This ongoing subject has fascinated me ever since I had the opportunity to read a paragraph of Hendry Minzberg, in respect of this topic.

Knowledge management is a main part of the today’s economy. It reflects the expressive representation to the demand of the knowledge society, within the scope of the globalization and the continuous learning.

Organizational learning and learning organization are two concepts often confused. If knowledge processes, knowledge contained change occurs through the process of learning. By learning we understand, in this context, an increase of possibilities of action of various sources of personal knowledge.

  Knowledge Management – The Importance of Learning Theory (672.1 KiB, 13,699 hits)

Posted in Issue no. 7, Knowledge Management

Economies of Emerging States and Foreign Trade in the Knowledge Economy

The current society has brought in the foreground of its preoccupations the foreign trade as a factor of recovery and development, especially in the case of the emergent states.

Starting with Adam Smith and David Ricardo, theories of the foreign trade have been built to demonstrate the advantages that trades might bring to the partners. There are “voices” that support the idea of the inferiority of emergent economies in the international trade plan, so in the present papers we aim, without condemning this opinion, at arguing that in nowadays society foreign trade remains the major and most direct way, for the emergent economies, of access to knowledge and to its results.

  Economies of Emerging States and Foreign Trade in the Knowledge Economy (717.1 KiB, 3,632 hits)

Posted in Economics, Issue no. 6