Tag Archive | "Home Equity Reverse Mortgage"

Comparing of Local Government Official Website Disclosure about Home Equity Reverse Mortgage Pilot Program in Taiwan

The purpose of this study discusses the comparison of local government official website disclosure the home equity reverse mortgage pilot program. The content adopts content analysis and method of interactive reply to test the speed of interaction and content between local government and people. The study found that people could acquire relevant information in small part of counties’ websites and the information was provided inadequately. Moreover, the test result was acceptable in most of counties for speed of reply and content. This study suggests that related regulations of government information disclosure should provide framework and content to government official website and regulate proper standards to enhance users’ convenience and accessibility. Then it will achieve the effect of policy and increase elders’ welfare level.

  Comparing of Local Government Official Website Disclosure about Home Equity Reverse Mortgage Pilot Program in Taiwan (904.1 KiB, 1,825 hits)

Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Volume IV, Issue no. 5