Posted on 15 August 2014. Tags: energy, energy efficiency, environmental protection, fossil fuels
The energy sector is one of the most important sectors of activity, with an significant impact both on the economy and also on the environment. This paper aims to analyse and evaluate the major economic and environmental issues associated with the energy sector. Among the environmental aspects are analysed those related with the extraction, transport and storage of fossil fuels, the combustion of fossil fuels and the aspects concerning the management of wastes generated by the energy sector. The economic aspects related with the energy sector that are reviewed are the increase of energy consumption, the limited resources of fuels, the significant fluctuation with a growth tendency of the price, the dependence on imports
Environmental and Economic Aspects Associated to the Energy Sector (901.8 KiB, 1,743 hits)
Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 4
Posted on 15 December 2011. Tags: certificate, energy, market, renewable resources
According with the assessment of numerous international bodies energy needs of industrialized countries will increase by approximately 60% by 2030, the same estimates show that oil demand will be more than 115 million barrels in 2020. On the other hand oil and gas reserves are unevenly distributed around the globe, and the largest reserves are situated in politically or economically insecure regions, therefore due to increasing consumption of energy is necessary orientation to use non-conventional forms of energy, beside to ensure a share of renewable in the energy consumption by at least 20% by 2020, European Union setting national targets for each Member State. Despite of advantages offer by green energy for environment, the cost of operating are still high, leading to the increasing of electricity price to the final consumptions. Therefore in order to stimulate the green energy the governments support the production of green energy thought a range of incentives, the paper aim is to analyze the market of green certificate as well as the actual context that offer real premises for development of this.
Analyze of Green Market Certificate, Case Study Romania (655.1 KiB, 3,615 hits)
Posted in Economics, Issue no. 7