Posted on 15 August 2015. Tags: economic growth, employment, jobs, young people, youth guarantee
With an employment rate among young people (under 25 years) of 23,3% Romania has to find a solution for solving this problem in short terms , otherwise we can face a constant migration wave of young people who can’t find a job in our country. This article presents the current status on labor market in Romania and in the same time tries to raise the awareness why do we need Youth Guarantees in our country , how important are the policy developed at European Union level to eradicate the unemployment at young ages?. We focused on the general background of this type of policies in European Union since its creations and finishing with the importance of this Youth Guarantee scheme, the way it can be implemented , costs and benefits , successful stories and an interpretation of the forecast of Romanian youth labor force until 2030 and of course some final conclusions and recommendations.
Is Youth Guarantee a Solution for Increasing Employment Among Young Romanians? (721.3 KiB, 1,974 hits)
Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 4
Posted on 15 February 2013. Tags: employment, flexicurity, labor contracts, social security
Never was labour more central to the process of value-making. But never were the workers… more vulnerable to the organisation, since they had become lean individuals, farmed out in a flexible network whose whereabouts were unknown to the organisation itself. Manuel Castells (1996)
To balance flexibility and security, Denmark provides a very good combination in labor market by both high labor market activities and social protection which is called flexicurity. The major aim of the system is to protect employees and employers with strict job protection and employment insurance. Therefore, to reach the targets introduced to the market, EU countries aimed to decrease unemployment rates by creating more suitable jobs for people were handled with great attention. Of course, regulations on laws, active labor market policies and social security system. In this paper, it is tried to point out the characteristics of Danish flexicurity ad the model used to solve the unemployment problems that are followed by EU countries. But can Danish case of flexicurity be successful in Turkey? Which laws have changed and policies have been made up to now in order to restructure the labor market in Turkey? What kind of regulations were enforced by Act 4857 to reduce the unemployment and the new policies to be followed? All of those questions were examined to discover whether Danish flexicurity can be used in Turkey.
Labor Market Consequences of Job Security and Labor Laws in the Era of Flexicurity: Implications for Turkey (650.4 KiB, 3,369 hits)
Posted in Economics, Volume III, Issue no. 1
Posted on 15 February 2012. Tags: active programs, employment, employment policies, unemployment
High variation of unemployment level in Albania for more than a decade shows that unemployment still remains a problem to solve. Given the conditions, the focus of employment policies is on increasing employment opportunities, in order to make unemployed people active in the labor market. This is the reason of applying many employment programs and making expenses for their funding. Most evaluation studies of active labor market policies (ALMPs) focus on micro-econometric evaluation. Only a few studies of ALMPs focus on macro-econometric evaluation. Also, most of the facts of evaluation belong to developing countries. During the last years, data on the analysis of the progress of these policies in transitional countries, Albania included, are made available.
Our study focuses on the theoretical and empirical analysis of different types of active policies. Data used for the empirical analysis are those on employment policies in Albania during 1999 – 2010. Our study evaluates the impact of active labor-market programmers in Albania on the whole economy. The evaluation focuses on vocational training and on subsidized employment programmers in order to compare them. In analyzing the data, we drew the conclusion that a professional training program is a program with a positive impact on the level of employment (reducing unemployment), followed by a program of promoting employment through work education.
Impact of Active Labor Market Programs on Employment: Albania’s Case (917.9 KiB, 4,545 hits)
Posted in Economics, Volume II, Issue no. 1
Posted on 15 October 2011. Tags: deindustrialization, employment, GDP, industry, regional disparities
Through our study we aim to highlight the place and role of the Romanian industry in the national economy and its impact on employment in the last twenty years. Moreover, we intend to underline the regional gaps determined by the role and place of the industry at regional level. The results of our analysis carried out based on the statistical data between 1990 and 2009, show, on the one hand, the deindustrialization of the economy based on the reduction of the industry’s contribution to GDP as well as to civil employment, and on the other hand, the negative impact that the industry’s evolution had on employment. For the industry to generate new jobs and sustainable economic growth, we consider that it is necessary to turn our industry into a more efficient one and to increase its adaptability to the market’s demands.
The results of this paper consist of original heterodox methods presented, intuitive or developed that can be found conclusively within the key proposals for education and regulation.
The Impact Of The Industrial Sector On Romanian Employment (972.2 KiB, 4,483 hits)
Posted in Economics, Issue no. 6
Posted on 15 June 2011. Tags: economic-social policy, employment, equal rights, high European unemployment, labor market, social benefits, social security systems, the economic patriotism
When economic growth and consequently, social progress, is confronted with drastic changes a modification is needed. Mentality, vision or policy change? The principle of the four freedoms (goods, services, capital, labor force) is compulsory and forms a unit, however, the movement of labor constitutes a true “apple of discord” regarding the problem on democratic movements. The idea of equality of Opportunities for all European citizens, without discrimination, is a principle and rises to the level of fundamental European value. Equal opportunities for all represent a desideratum and one of the substance components of everywhere democracy, next to liberty and respect of the fundamental human rights. “The economic patriotism” is a formula designed to sensitize the European citizen, in order to block globalization, which penalizes both the market and the citizen itself.
Problematic Controversies on the European Labor Market (877.4 KiB, 2,658 hits)
Posted in Economics, Issue no. 4