Tag Archive | "Compliance"

Cloud Computing – Compliance with Regulatory Prescribed Data Protection Measures in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The rapid emergence of cloud computing has raised concerns about its legal and regulatory implications. Issues of data protection and security are among the concerns most frequently mentioned by potential cloud customers. If sensitive company data are stored, processed or transmitted in a cloud environment, data protection and other laws will apply to that environment too. The allocation of responsibility between client and provider for managing security controls does not exempt a client from the responsibly of ensuring that their sensitive data is properly secured according to applicable law requirements. In this regard, it is necessary to get appropriate assurance that cloud service provider information security management system covers the security of the computers and computing environment that it uses in processing sensitive company data. This paper addresses the issues of compliance with regulatory prescribed data protection measures in Bosnia and Herzegovina in cloud environment.

  Cloud Computing - Compliance with Regulatory Prescribed Data Protection Measures in Bosnia and Herzegovina (607.0 KiB, 2,618 hits)

Posted in Information Technology, Volume IV, Issue no. 3