15 June 2015
Information communication and technology has been used not only in business sector but also in government, tourism is one of business activity need collaboration between government and business practitioner to implement tourism activities. Government as the authority must be provide information related to business tourism activities, this study provide a holistic information system between government […]
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Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Volume V, Issue no. 3
15 June 2015
The introduction of the Euro has led to price level stability and fostered growth within the European Union. Consequently, since its launch as a store of value and unit of account, there has been a clear convergence between the yield of France’s sovereign debt and German benchmark. This paper tries to estimate the effect of […]
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Posted in Economics, Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 3
15 April 2015
Romania was one of many emerging economies that has been affected by the excessive credit growth, the excessive price assets growth driven by the credit growth and by the foreign currency lending. The national macro-prudential tool kit was diverse and used to solve these issues both before and during the latest financial crisis. Analyzing the […]
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Posted in Economics, Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 2
15 April 2015
Keeping in mind the conditions of an ever more pronounced increase of the diversity and complexity of the economical field, regarding supplying service goods from entities as well as regarding the social or image aspect correlated with expectancies of stakeholders which gravitate around these, the professionalization of organization management has become a primordial condition in […]
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Posted in Economics, Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 2
15 April 2015
In recent years, interest in “Communities of practice” (CoPs) as a tool for knowledge management and employee participation has increased in international management literature. However, their potentialities for small and medium-sized enterprises remain largely unexplored. This research makes a contribution in this respect analyzing the implementation of “Communities of practice” in nine Spanish small-scale organizations. […]
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Posted in Economics, Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 2
15 April 2015
This paper tests the effect of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita on pollution, measured by carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per capita. World Bank 1992 study claims that pollution rises with income, but at a slower and slower speed and eventually declines. Using Ordinary Least Squares estimation procedure, we find a quadratic relationship (“inverted U-hypothesis”) […]
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Posted in Economics, Volume V, Issue no. 2
15 April 2015
Poverty is a very widespread phenomenon directly related to consumption (or income) and other important problems of everyday life, such as the lack of appropriate infrastructure, security, quality of health and education, etc. Poverty is traditionally measured in monetary terms. After an aggregate income, expenditure is defined to measure poverty; the next step is the […]
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Posted in Economics, Volume V, Issue no. 2
15 February 2015
Public funding of higher education is an important topic within European governmental agenda, especially in times of budgetary austerity. Thus, given the challenges higher education industry faced in the last decades, the present paper aims at identifying the strengths and weaknesses of a few national funding patterns of higher education institutions (HEIs) within the European […]
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Posted in Economics, Volume V, Issue no. 1
15 February 2015
This research addresses the question of explaining the organizational effectiveness of the company through the knowledge management capacity, entrepreneurial orientation, social capital and innovation. Researchers still do not adequately understand the relationship between these phenomena and the nature of their effects on organizational effectiveness. This research uses data obtained from a sample of 150 Tunisian […]
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Posted in Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 1
15 February 2015
The aim of this paper is to study the determinants of tobacco consumption in Spain. First, the relationship between tobacco consumption and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Spain is analyzed. The non-stationary and cointegration properties of these variables are studied. The findings suggest that tobacco mortality is not cointegrated with GDP. Afterwards, we model the […]
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Posted in Economics, Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 1
15 February 2015
By using a simple model, it will be analyzed the impact that informality has in the amount of consumption of the workers during their life cycle. This paper deals with the interconnections of underreported earnings, savings and old-age pension. The workers sampled for this analysis have been divided into three groups: 1. Low income employees, […]
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Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Volume V, Issue no. 1
15 February 2015
In a still uncertain economic environment, due to the influences of the financial crisis, the most promising channel to interact with current and prospective customers is the online environment – social networking platforms. Gaining consumer trust online and complete understanding of the behavior of competition continues to serve the needs clarification banking financial companies, the […]
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Posted in Economics, Volume V, Issue no. 1
15 February 2015
The end of the first decade of the twenty-first century will be remembered by appearance of one of the greatest economic crisis. This time, it had a global character. The crisis has been appeared, almost unexpectedly, in the middle of 2007 in the US, but very soon it was transferred to other countries in the […]
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Posted in Economics, Volume V, Issue no. 1
15 February 2015
The social media experience has opened up new trails of commitment and revolutionized the exchange of information. With more people employing with social media, it is worth scrutinizing its application to the recruitment process. The purpose of this paper is to assess how employers can construct best use of social media as part of the […]
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Posted in Information Technology, Volume V, Issue no. 1
15 February 2015
In a knowledge-based society, Information and Communications Technology plays an important role in learning process, involve teachers and students into a relationship that allows students to acquire knowledge and skills needed in their future work. The learning environment created by the teachers affects the students’ achievements, their attitude regarding the compulsory school subjects. We wanted […]
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Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume V, Issue no. 1
15 December 2014
In this paper, we examined the empirical relationship between economic liberalization and telecommunication sector performance in Nigeria between 1986 and 2010 using the Stock and Watson (1993) Dynamic Ordinary Least Square (DOLS) technique. The study utilized secondary data and they were sourced from Nigeria Communication Commission (NCC), Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Statistical Bulletin and […]
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Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Volume IV, Issue no. 6
15 December 2014
Academia and industry agree on the importance of knowledge worker workers in emerging economy or new industrial country for economic growth. Understanding the changing nature of knowledge workers in an industry-level analysis is helpful to formulate industry policy. This study aims to investigate the changing of knowledge workers in Taiwan 20 manufacturing industries during 1988-2005. […]
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Posted in Knowledge Management, Volume IV, Issue no. 6
15 December 2014
Tacit knowledge is an organizational resource that is difficult to cultivate. It requires that responsible agents in the organization take an active role in encouraging trust and the development of relationships where individuals feel that their voice will be heard and that there will be a benefit from them passing knowledge onto someone else. In […]
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Posted in Economics, Knowledge Management, Volume IV, Issue no. 6
15 December 2014
E-Government could be perceived as a driving force for the use of Information and Communication Technology in the transformation of governmental operations. From the governmental perspective it is essential that the transformed operations would be more efficient and effective. In this study using a series of interviews and thus a qualitative research methodology we further […]
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Posted in Information Technology, Volume IV, Issue no. 6
15 December 2014
The objective of this study is to identify the effect of external debt on economic growth; we used the debt service as percentage of exports and debt indicators in the first and second degree. The econometric estimation showed that the sign of the coefficient of debt is positive and the debt squared is negative, and […]
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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 6
15 October 2014
To ensure the appropriate level of financial resources to support state institutions and activities is an ongoing concern. However, the problem had always been the extent to which the expandable portion of state revenues that can be collected without irreparably harming economic development and the social condition of the population owning material and financial goods, […]
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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 5
15 October 2014
Our approach is based on the obvious fact that global tourism has turned into a large-scale phenomenon that has been always creating new challenges with a major impact on the economic and social development. Thus, tourism has increasingly become a main economic sector with great potential, whose operation requires an efficient management. As is well […]
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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 5
15 October 2014
The events after the balance date are those events, favorable and unfavorable, that occur between the balance date (the end of the reporting period) and the date at which the annual financial statements are authorized for issue by the executive management of the entity (e.g. Board of Directors). We identify two types of events: events […]
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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 5
15 October 2014
The purpose of this study discusses the comparison of local government official website disclosure the home equity reverse mortgage pilot program. The content adopts content analysis and method of interactive reply to test the speed of interaction and content between local government and people. The study found that people could acquire relevant information in small […]
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Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Volume IV, Issue no. 5
15 October 2014
This article focuses on analyzing of a consolidated financial statements of a hypothetically SME. The interpretation of the financial position and performances is based on the more than 40 financial key ratios computed by using financial data from consolidated income statement, consolidated financial position and cash flow. However additional data from notes to financial statements […]
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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 5
15 October 2014
By using stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) approach to measure the cost and profit efficiency for data of 45 Vietnam commercial banks over the years from 2007 to 2012, this paper highlights risk and asset quality factors related to cost and profit inefficiency of the banks. Besides, cost inefficiency seems to be strongly related to bank […]
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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 5
15 October 2014
This article examines the effects of the European Central Bank’s (ECB’s) monetary policy on the economy in the Euro area. Existing studies have not conclusively determined whether the effects of the policy are large or small, effective or ineffective. Also, the difference between policy interest rate increases and decreases has not been fully studied. Using […]
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Posted in Economics, Knowledge Management, Volume IV, Issue no. 5
15 August 2014
Inflation, as a monetary phenomenon, is viewed by monetarists occurring as a result of supply of currency growing faster than the economic output. Research endeavours aimed at understanding the inflationary process among countries have witnessed major advancements in modelling short-term inflation dynamics”. The literature on the Phillips Curve, which is the “modern view of inflationary […]
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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 4
15 August 2014
E-Government could be seen by and large as the use of Information and Communication Technology in the transformation of governmental. When you look it from the governmental perspective it is essential that the transformed operations should be more efficient and effective. In this study using a qualitative research methodology and respective instruments we the introduction […]
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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 4
15 August 2014
In this paper I examine the endogenous money supply hypothesis in the Euro Area using data from 1999 to 2010. In doing so, I make extensive use of Vector Auto regression models (VAR) with Granger causality procedure to analyze non-cointegrated series and Vector Error Correction models (VECM) for cointegrated series. The cointegration analyses reveal a […]
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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 4
15 August 2014
The aims of this article are to test how does enhanced ethics audit model as a new tool for management in Estonian companies work and to investigate through ethics audit model the hidden ethical risks in information technology which occur in everyday work and may be of harm to stakeholders’ interests. Carrying out ethics audit […]
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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 4
15 August 2014
The approach of this topic suggested to us by the fact that currently, it persists a controversy regarding the elements that influence decisively the qualitative characteristics of useful financial information. From these elements, we remark accounting models and concepts of capital maintenance in terms of the accounting result, which can be under the influence of […]
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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 4
15 August 2014
I have taken this theme into discussion, because I consider if of great actuality. Thus, though it is unanimously admitted the fact that the Romanian tourism is a branch of the national economy with a huge potential, and, at official level, it is considered to be a priority domain, its performance is not satisfactory yet. […]
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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 4
15 August 2014
This article focuses on computing techniques starting from trial balance data regarding financial key ratios. There are presented activity, liquidity, solvency and profitability financial key ratios. It is presented a computing methodology in three steps based on a trial balance.
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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 4
15 August 2014
The energy sector is one of the most important sectors of activity, with an significant impact both on the economy and also on the environment. This paper aims to analyse and evaluate the major economic and environmental issues associated with the energy sector. Among the environmental aspects are analysed those related with the extraction, transport […]
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Posted in Economics, Volume IV, Issue no. 4