Assessing Knowledge Management Initiatives: A Framework Based On Stakeholder Approach

This paper discusses various methods and tools to assess knowledge management and makes an exploratory evaluation of these elements. Most of them show some weaknesses concerning, firstly the fact that different groups of interest must be taken into account, and secondly the fact that tacit knowledge that belongs to individuals is difficult to assess. Our work examines how to take into account these elements. Assessing knowledge management can be argued along six dimensions:
1- the « what » refers to methods and tools;
2- the « how » refers to the implementation process;
3- the «where» corresponds to the level where the assessment is conducted;
4- the «when» concerns the moment or the period the assessment should be conducted;
5- the «who» refers to the person or group to be considered for assessing personal knowledge;
6- and the result refers to the improvement of business performance.
This paper highlights the fact that a framework based on stakeholder approach may help to overcome the problems related to assess knowledge management.

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