Archive | Volume III, Issue no. 2

Innovative Models of Increasing Competition and Competitiveness in Science

Technology transfer involves a series of relationships, formal and informal type among research units – economic development and public and private sectors. The purpose of the transfer is to strengthen the economy in a territory, by accelerating the application of new technologies and resources needs and opportunities for private and public sectors.

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Posted in Economics, Volume III, Issue no. 2

University Knowledge Transfer in Romania: Getting Ready for the U-Multi-rank

The aim of this study is to trace Romanian universities’ performances in knowledge transfer on the set of indicators advanced by the U-Multi – rank, the new performance – based ranking of European universities, whose first results are expected in 2013. The conclusion is that further developments in knowledge transfer in Romania will be highly […]

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Posted in Knowledge Management, Volume III, Issue no. 2

Knowledge Transfer in Service-Business Acquisitions

In the post-acquisition integration process, organizations need to transfer different types of knowledge from one organization to another in order to align their operational routines, practices and culture. Our aim is to identify the critical factors that relate to knowledge transfer in terms of the different knowledge types. We conducted a qualitative case study from […]

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Posted in Knowledge Management, Volume III, Issue no. 2

The Push Factors for Corporate Social Responsibility: A Probit Analysis

In the last two decades in OECD countries there has been increased development of Social Responsible (CSR is the acronym of Corporate Social Responsibility) certified firms. This certification is assigned by public and private companies which guarantee that the behaviour of a certain firm is environmentally and sociologically correct. The first part of our work […]

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Posted in Economics, Volume III, Issue no. 2

Active Strategies, Randomness and Ability in Investment Fund’s Performance Evaluation: a Behavioral Approach

This paper follows one main purpose: approaching classical models from a behavioral point of view. And two secondary objectives: First, providing behaviorally based tools to study efficiency in investment funds markets. Second, proposing a new methodological approach in order to disentangle randomness from ability in investment fund’s performance. We reach two main theoretical proposals: To […]

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Posted in Economics, Knowledge Management, Volume III, Issue no. 2

A Suitable ‘GPS’ for SME’s: the Strategic Planning and Organizational Learning Nexus

The aim of the article is to examine the relationship between organizational learning and strategic planning actions in SMEs. The hypothesis is that those firms that think strategic planning as an organizational learning process may encourage the design of ‘long-term objectives’, keeping SMEs flexible and adaptive. Thus, it allows the exploitation of opportunities and the […]

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Posted in Economics, Volume III, Issue no. 2

Perspectives on Total Factor Productivity and Foreign Direct Investment in OECD Countries based on Panel Data Econometrics

The role of FDI inflows and outflows to host countries and from the source countries emerged in the 1980s as the major vehicle technology transfer that accelerated the globalization or international integration of 25 leading OECD economies over a period of 25 years (1983-2007). Although neoclassical and endogenous growth theories provide unequivocal support for FDI […]

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Posted in Economics, Volume III, Issue no. 2

Touristic Investments in Saranda Region

Development of tourism, in general presuppose completing of significant capital investment by the state and the private sector. Many times, it happens that investments done by the state and private sector for the touristic development, of a country, or of a region are not enough for the development of tourism. In such a situation, it […]

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Posted in Economics, Volume III, Issue no. 2

Study of Competitiveness for the Representative Companies in the National Domestic Dairy

To study the competitiveness of a company we use several indicators I1 , I2 ,…, In that can be expressed numerically. We note E1 the company whose competitiveness we want to evaluate. It can action several markets, but we will focus on one of them, where it competes with the companies E2 , E3 ,…, Em. […]

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Posted in Economics, Volume III, Issue no. 2

The Impact of Information Systems on user Performance: An Exploratory Study

Information systems play an important supportive role in most sectors of the economy. This study was developed to answer the question related to the impact of information systems on user performance in Tunisian companies. This article proposes a model combining the Task Technology Fit (TTF), the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Delone & McLean model […]

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Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Volume III, Issue no. 2

Moderating Effects of Human Factors on IT-Business Alignment and IT Effectiveness in Modern Firms

Information technology (IT) emerges as an essential asset of modern firms’ competitive advantage, because it connects all business functions and supports managerial decision processes – both essential conditions for the attainment of the organization agility level. However, many modern firms experience difficulties on attaining its competitive edge, mainly because of a deficient IT- Business managerial […]

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Posted in Information Technology, Volume III, Issue no. 2