Author Archives | Arturo.Cordova.Rangel

Determinants of Economic Value Added: An Empirical Study in the Companies of Aguascalientes State, México

The organizational and individual characteristics of the owners of SME’s, small and medium size companies, have an influence generating value for them. In this research, a scale is set out in order to identify which strategies are able to generate value for organizations. Later, a comparison is made between Mexico and the OECD members, according to their productivity and the different stages on people’s labor life, which is the average age of SME’s and which are the tendencies on profits. After this, in the theoretical framework different points of view of several scholars are exposed with the aim of identifying latent structures of variables in order to be able to understand and identify the strategies that generate added value for the organizations. A classification of different methods for valuating companies is set and then, some ideas from different researchers are exposed on an additional factor for generating value for business, reputational capital that may be increased through the implementation of social responsibility strategies. After describing Aguascalientes current situation on that topic, finally, this research shows the results that came from of a questionnaire of 14 questions designed in order to know if the owners or managers perceive that the actions they carry out on a daily basis are able to generate economic added value for their business.

  Determinants of Economic Value Added: An Empirical Study in the Companies of Aguascalientes State, México (994.5 KiB, 2,419 hits)

Posted in Economics, Knowledge Management, Volume VI, Issue no. 5Comments Off on Determinants of Economic Value Added: An Empirical Study in the Companies of Aguascalientes State, México

A Review of Research Methods in Strategic Management; What Have Been Done, and What is Still Missing

Research methods designed to study strategic management, are as varied as the theories of strategy that have been developed over time. From the purely quantitative methods with mathematical models such as structural equations or multiple regression models, even the purely qualitative methods such as ethnography, or direct observation. However, despite the differences, all these methods are intended to build theory about the strategic management. In this sense, the present paper, reviewed the methodologies used in the generation of knowledge regarding the strategic management, and proposes future lines of research on the topic and the methods used.

  A Review of Research Methods in Strategic Management; What Have Been Done, and What is Still Missing (773.8 KiB, 8,940 hits)

Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume VI, Issue no. 2Comments Off on A Review of Research Methods in Strategic Management; What Have Been Done, and What is Still Missing

Model of Long-Term Savings with Several Interest Rates and Time

The aim of this paper is to present a model of long-term savings from financial calculations, using investment instruments that offer various banking institutions with the aim of showcasing the benefits of yields and thus achieve the planned purposes with money invested, and as an option to promote savings for students.

  Model of Long-Term Savings with Several Interest Rates and Time (644.5 KiB, 1,473 hits)

Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume VI, Issue no. 2Comments Off on Model of Long-Term Savings with Several Interest Rates and Time

An Analysis of Resources, Capacities, and Institutions of the Aviation Industry in Mexico: Hydra Technologies Case

This paper aboard the analysis of the aviation industry, indicating that it has high prospects for growth, specifically analyses the global situation to mention key aspects of the case of Mexico, analyzing the case of Hydra Technologies where elements found in their success are resources and capabilities such as innovation, human resources; institutions that also influence are the federal Government, school of mechanical engineering and electrical of the IPN (National Polytechnic Institute)

  An Analysis of Resources, Capacities, and Institutions of the Aviation Industry in Mexico: Hydra Technologies Case (716.2 KiB, 1,507 hits)

Posted in Economics, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Volume VI, Issue no. 2Comments Off on An Analysis of Resources, Capacities, and Institutions of the Aviation Industry in Mexico: Hydra Technologies Case